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I want phaser AND a tremolo in one analog pedal...


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My second Dano Tuna Melt tremolo just died, I wont go trough a third one, need somthing sturdier now...and I also need a good phaser.


I need both, and since these are somewhat releted effects (and I really want to keep my pedal count as low as possible) I tought I should be able to find both in one enclosure...and analog is the keyword here, dont want no Line 6 modeler...


I was looking at the EH Worm, and it looked good on paper, but the reviews are mixed...what about the Wiggler ?


And I dont want no chorus...I know there's a few pedals that mix chorus and tremolo and/or phaser...dont want chorus.


What would you guys recommend ?

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I can't remember a pedal that blends tremolo and phase; that would kind of be limiting as far as pedal arrangment though, people usually like phase before OR after dirt, phase before OR after delay, tremolo before OR after delay, etc. You probably should get two pedals.



I like 'em both between dirt and delay...but you may be right, with so few options for both in one, I probably should go for 2 pedals...

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The Worm works great for me, but if you are hoping to be able to tweak the effects and get versatility, you will be disappointed.


For the most versatility, get a Flanger Hoax.


Check out my soundclips to hear the phaser and trem settings:



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The Worm works great for me, but if you are hoping to be able to tweak the effects and get versatility, you will be disappointed.

For the most versatility, get a Flanger Hoax.

Check out my soundclips to hear the phaser and trem settings:



Great clips, sounds really good :thu:


Interesting pedal option...

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Red witch moon phaser :poke:



That's the correct answer. In fact that is tha main reason I traded mine. I had both phaser and trem covered with other pedals and just felt that the phase was too trem like on the Deluxe Moon Phaser. Not a bad thing, I just had those sounds covered with other pedals.

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The Worm works great for me, but if you are hoping to be able to tweak the effects and get versatility, you will be disappointed.



Well, thinking of it, all I need one good vintagey phaser and one good tube amp-like tremolo...as you own one, what do you think are the pros and cons of the Worm ?

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Well, thinking of it, all I need one good vintagey phaser and one good tube amp-like tremolo...as you own one, what do you think are the pros and cons of the Worm ?



Cons: Produces noticeable hiss, slightly boosts the volume when engaged, the wah mode clips in some settings if you don't use a compressor before it, the 4 modes are not very tweakable (just rate and depth), and the tremelo is fine (I use it) but it isn't nearly as flexible as a Pulsar, Wiggler, or Flanger Hoax.


Pros: The phaser is warm and fat (3 stages), the wah is one of the best cyclical auto-wahs I've heard, the vibrato is a true pitch-vibrato and sounds great, it's very easy to dial in your settings in a live situation, the manual mode might be the most useful feature of all - cocked wah, boosted mids, for the price it is a steal.


Here's a soundclip: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=750566&songID=6021575

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the red witch trem looks great on paper ... but it really doesn't sounds all that great.



Completely disagree on that.


The RWMP is the best phaser I've had in a long while.

The only one I like more is my old Mutron Phaser II, but that's too heavy and big for my pedalboard.

I have a Boss PH-1r for dirty, chewy phase sounds, a TC Electronic for hi-fi phase tones, and there's a bunch more that I sold off,

but for clean and hypnotic phase tones that stand up to dirt pedals and gives a pretty good trem sound to boot,

the Red Witch is the one that lives on my board.

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the red witch trem looks great on paper ... but it really doesn't sounds all that great.



I agree if you're just talking about the trem setting. It doesn't really sound bad but it can't get very choppy or deep. It's ok sometimes but not really what I want from a trem. I think it's a fantastic sounding phaser and the tremophase is cool too.

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Well, after spending the night researching and listening to clips, I think what I want is an EH Wiggler...I know it's not really a phaser, but that's the sound I'm going for. After all, phasers were invented to try to emulate rotating speakers, like vibrato was...


Now I have to find one to try it out...

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Well, after spending the night researching and listening to clips, I think what I want is an EH Wiggler...I know it's not really a phaser, but that's the sound I'm going for. After all, phasers were invented to try to emulate rotating speakers, like vibrato was...

Now I have to find one to try it out...



The Wiggler is awesome - and the LOOZ mode is a phaser of sorts, but the wave shape is choppier than a traditional cyclical phase, so you won't get that smooth sweep at slower rate settings. There are 5 presets on the Wiggler, and they are only tweakable by intensity and rate - no shaping. However, the tubes really make a huge difference, creating a very warm, vintage, slightly fuzzy tone. It's a very unique sounding effect.

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