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Waldorf Stromberg: Worth the wait?

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till then, they are both little more than photon patterns tickling my retinas.


Not for me. :p


It won't be too much longer now...




I don't think the Stromberg will be out this year or be anything like its original concept when it finally does come out...

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I would sooner wait for the Oakland Raiders to play in the Super Bowl



its funny. I think I encountered more raiders fans while living in san francisco, but then again I have only been in oakland for 6 months.


anyway, back on topic..


I think waldorf releases info about their synths way to early. I liked the design of this back when they announced it but it seems kinda like old news now.

Sure, dave smith is doing this as well with the boom chick and now the linn drum, but everytime they mention it it has more features.

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I'm not especially hot on either one right now. For that kind of money I am more interested in an analog modular or a voyager. Now if I already had an analog modular or a voyager it would probably be a different story.

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i will buy neither, nor lust after either , until they are real concrete products I can go down to the corner shop and actually play. till then, they are both little more than photon patterns tickling my retinas.



+1 ... I know what I'm spending big bucks on this year, anyway ...

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I just played that thing again today at the local GC ...


As a perfectly satisfied Fan-X owner, it just absolutely baffles me what is "better" about it other than the bloody big screen (obnoxious, really), sliders and ... ?


I just don't get it ...


Some people say it has more "punch" than X ... to me, the low end just sounds boomy ...


In the end, I don't think any one synth is going to give you a total sound ... even when playing Paolo's JP-8 while the sound is fantastic and smooth and gorgeous, I could still hear where this synth or that one could help it out even in small but significant ways ...

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The Stromberg looks too finished in this real style buck (end of vid). I'd say it could be the final hardware version.


You're kidding, right? :freak:


That's an empty shell with a lightbulb in it. Period.


Also, have a look at the keypad area - no buttons, only cellophane windows...and the sheet metal guys neglected to punch out all the holes - an entire row is missing. Check it against the rendering. :lol:


At the recent NAMM they didn't even bother to display the Stromberg mock up in their booth, all I saw there were a few Blofelds and a Q+ as a controller keyboard.


I'm one of the biggest Waldorf fans you're likely to meet around here but I don't have any inflated hopes regarding the Stromberg.

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FWIW, it was no secret that the Stromberg was a hollow shell with no buttons...that's just a mock-up.




as far as Waldorf goes, its coding team is miniscule and they've still got their hands quite full just debugging the Blofeld.


I honestly wish things were different. :(


If the Blofeld sells well there will certainly be brighter days ahead for Waldorf and more synths...maybe even the Stromberg someday. :)

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Sadly, the mock-up is all they have of the Stromberg so far.


In the intervening years since its announcement, the synth market has changed, the dollar/euro ratio has tanked and Stefan is still working on getting the code in the Blofeld up to speed. Multi mode isn't even quite finished yet...


I'm eager to see what's next for Waldorf but it will probably be a couple of years yet...right now they are trying to build capitol with something they can sell a lot of, not a boutique flagship only a few can afford...its just business.

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This thing is never gonna get off the ground............ sadness.



And the Blofeld:




is much more irritating to program than you might initially think. Menu diving for FM is not my cup of tea, as I use it often.

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FWIW, it was
no secret
that the Stromberg was a hollow shell with no buttons...that's just a mock-up.


as far as Waldorf goes, its coding team is miniscule and they've still got their hands quite full just debugging the Blofeld.

I honestly wish things were different.

If the Blofeld sells well there will certainly be brighter days ahead for Waldorf and more synths...maybe even the Stromberg someday.




No no no.... Ze Germans are vorking on morphing hardware. Ze three missing buttons are a morphing :lol:



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is much more irritating to program than you might initially think. Menu diving for FM is not my cup of tea, as I use it often.



I have the blofeld keyboard and honestly...its a pleasure to program.


Now the evolver desktop, which also uses the matrix style editing approach...that is a royal bitch.

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For $4500 a synth that will no doubt have a ton of OS bugs at release that will take years to resolve better be "insane". You can get a hell of a lot of insanity in a synth for $4500, without the bugs which at some point stop being quaint features of Waldorf culture and become obnoxious stains on your $4500 investment . . . in vaporware.

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