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OT: Would you vote for Charles Barkley...

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I remember watching TNT or TBS after a game once. Kenny smith and Barkely were both on there. I was barely paying attention, where i hear the words "that's mother {censored}in' bull {censored}" come out of barkleys mouth.

I dont remember what they were talking about... but it was kinda funny.
He's also a smarter guy that a lot of people give him credit for... not sure he'd want to be govenor of oregon.

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I have to say that, if we were voting sports athletes as actors, Charles Barkley would get a definete second worst of all time, succeeded by the inimitable anti-acting skills of Wayne Gretzky.


Wayne's a {censored} (on the ice he hardly backed up teammates AND he never even fought = epic fail) - and a bad actor :cop:.

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Charles is a good guy I think, but he'd never make it in politics. First it would cost him wayyyy too much of HIS money. Second, Charles shoots from the hip and says what he thinks RIGHT then. Even if he's wrong, he's still gonna say it.

He's been talking the gov of ALA for a lonnnnnnng time. It will never happen.

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