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Goatkeeper or Tap-A-Whirl?


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Gaw, I wish I could tell you! I've got the T-A-W, but of course I've never even seen a Goatkeeper in person. If it were me, and I really had the choice, it'd be a no-brainer = Goatkeeper. Buy it, try it & if it ends up being too big/complex/whatever you flip it for AT LEAST what you've got in it and get the T-A-W. The Cusack is certainly easier to come by.

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Even if the playing field was even (same price/availability) I'd still go with a TAW.


The brake/fade in functions are great. The random is worlds better sounding that the GK one. Tons of patterns/possibilities.


I think each will do something the other can't though. Like drawing your own waveform. Don't know how important that is to you. Or having a pattern sequencer. I personally don't need any of what the GK has special.

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I'd guess they're just having trouble keeping up with demand. The pedal is probably a pretty difficult build & it may be a 1 or 2 person operation w/ no interest in scaling up to produce in large numbers.

A lot of what makes the Cusack pedals so bulletproof & easy to fix probably also helps make them pretty easy to build. I'd guess with Jon's engineering degree, he can crank those suckers out at a pretty decent pace & has scaled his business to meet demand. ;)

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Its not that LFL isn't meeting demand. The pedal is being redesigned for easier production and more features so none are being made right now.



Isn't the v1 or basic or whatever it's being called sold out everywhere? I understand the v2 not yet being available, but I'm guessing if he could wave a wand & have enough v1s to sell to all the folks here drooling over them he probably would. . .

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An original Goatkeeper will cost at least 2-3x as much and you would probably have to wait years for one to come on the market again. And even if one did go up for sale, it would get snatched up in about 3 seconds.


The TAW, on the other hand, is available immediately and is probably the most flexible "normal" tremolo available...it's like a Semaphore on steroids.

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Isn't the v1 or basic or whatever it's being called sold out everywhere? I understand the v2 not yet being available, but I'm guessing if he could wave a wand & have enough v1s to sell to all the folks here drooling over them he probably would. . .



Theyve been out of production for about the last 10 months.

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An original Goatkeeper will cost at least 2-3x as much and you would probably have to wait years for one to come on the market again. And even if one did go up for sale, it would get snatched up in about 3 seconds.

The TAW, on the other hand, is available immediately and is probably the most flexible "normal" tremolo available...it's like a Semaphore on steroids.



There was an original Goatkeeper on eBay a month ago at $1000 BIN. No one bought it. The v2 is due in a couple of months, and will cost around $300 for the basic version.

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I'm going to get a GK.

according to the lightfoot labs guy, the GK2 will be out around 2 months later.
the basic ver. will be like the original and the Expanded ver. will have all those CV control etc.
there was a thread a few days ago. search:)

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I'm buying a TAW to kill time until the GK comes out, then make a decision on what I want when the time comes. The TAW is, on paper (take note, Dave!), a really out there trem and the PGS demo sounds awesome. I just want something to do for the next 2 months while I wait. I've said it time and time again: "if I hadn't had so much time vested into the GK, I would pick up a TAW in one second." But now that I'm not on pins and needles fervently checking the LFL site everyday looking for the "they're ready!"

update, I can buy a TAW w/o any major reserve.



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How do you have time vested in the GK?



I don't have actual labor hours, of course, but I've been holding off on buying a trem, have kept $300 tucked away specifically for the GK, and been biting my nails for about 7 or 8 months.

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I don't have actual labor hours, of course, but I've been holding off on buying a trem, have kept $300 tucked away specifically for the GK, and been biting my nails for about 7 or 8 months.

Ah, alright. I guess I'll never understand the trem love, but hey, whatever floats your boat. :wave:

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