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OT - Alden Jazzcasters


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Cranes Music had them in a few months ago but not now. You could also find them fairly easily on Ebay but not now. I suspect Fender flexed some legal muscle there. It does seem to protect the Jaguar/Jazzmaster body shapes quite tightly. For example, places like Ishibashi received instruction that Fender Japan instruments couldn't be shipped outside of Japan. One presumes Fender were worried that US buyers were going for the CIJ models rather than spending a bit more on USA models. All the rumours of Mexican JMs and Jags might tie in with all that.

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Cranes Music had them in a few months ago but not now. You could also find them fairly easily on Ebay but not now. I suspect Fender flexed some legal muscle there. It does seem to protect the Jaguar/Jazzmaster body shapes quite tightly. For example, places like Ishibashi received instruction that Fender Japan instruments couldn't be shipped outside of Japan. One presumes Fender were worried that US buyers were going for the CIJ models rather than spending a bit more on USA models. All the rumours of Mexican JMs and Jags might tie in with all that.





funny that though, ishibashi still ship abroad...


I just tried a jagmaster out at lunch and it was not anything to write home about... i spied a dutch shop that sell these jazzcasters but done wanna chance it for 249euros...

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The Aston 360 is probably one of the Chinese made Ric clones that aren't particularly great. The best Ric clone out there, bar a wierd shaped headstock, is the Indie Guitar Co 360-ish guitar. Dillion also made a Ric 360 that was superb. Both the Indie and Dillion are Korean-made.



Anyone in Europe wanting a good quality Ric clone should look here:





Better pickups on the Johnson that look more like toaster top pickups. I've got a no-name headstock 12-string as seen on this link and it really does play well for

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I cant really see how you can go wrong with a ricky clone; clean tones=little to no hum


The second I sell some pedals im picking up a black one


they're even got a burns clone on there.... though its more than an original burns....

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The Aston 360 is probably one of the Chinese made Ric clones that aren't particularly great. The best Ric clone out there, bar a wierd shaped headstock, is the Indie Guitar Co 360-ish guitar. Dillion also made a Ric 360 that was superb. Both the Indie and Dillion are Korean-made.



Anyone in Europe wanting a good quality Ric clone should look here:




Better pickups on the Johnson that look more like toaster top pickups. I've got a no-name headstock 12-string as seen on this link and it really does play well for

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I cant really see how you can go wrong with a ricky clone; clean tones=little to no hum


There's always differences between the clones, same as there's a difference between the clone and an actual Ric. I bought my pre-lawsuit Ibanez ES355 from a guy who was importing Chinese-made Gretsch clones and selling them on Ebay. They were alright quality but had failings. The frets weren't great, the finish was poor in parts, the hardware was really cheap, the electronics were cheap even by Korean/Chinese standards and they felt cheap compared to many of the Korean makes like Shine/Saein and the Korean-made Epiphone range like the Casino. Aston Guitars are no different to Riverside Guitars. They import Chinese copies and the maker will put a cheap headstock label on.


The Indie Ric 360 I sold was a much better instrument. The Johnson range will be better made than the Chinese ones.





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Yeah but for the cost... Im not complaining :)


Plus I'm a clumsy bar-stad who secretly likes a chip or two


That Indie is beautiful but; as an 'indie' fan I could never bring myself to buy one. Sign and signifiers are the bane of my existance

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just thought i'd mention ric clone in here again, just in case the Ric lawyers hadnt noticed this thread yet. always a good way to make sure those guitars stay on the market, mention ric clone at every turn, give links, and show pics.


mr hall appreciates your cooperation.

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