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school me on phaserz

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I am interested in a phaser. I have this sound in my head that I think will be made by me going through a phaser. Interesting side-note: I previously thought that this very same sound could be made by a chorus (boy was I wrong, but I got a pedal that I like out of it. The sound in my head goes whoosh, and sounds like a transparent VH-y kind of phase. Unfortunately, I demoed the VH phaser and I didn't like it, I think I need something with a blend knob (or maybe not). Either way, learn me about phasers and throw some names out there so I can get started in the right direction. Please?

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if you owned the mxr evh phase and didnt get the phase you wanted out of it, than one of two things occured


A - you have a way more credible ear than I do


B - you need a good slow flange


either one is possible. I really like my evh phaser

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if you didnt like the evh then you might not like phasers at all :confused:


the mxr phase 90/evh is pretty much the standard phase sound. the ehx small stone is another popular one but its much thicker then the evh. the boss phasers have a resonance knob that controls basically the blend. the ph-3 also has many settings (4stage, 6stage, step etc.) so its very versatile. dod also makes a decent phaser with a blend knob.


ive owned all 4 and my suggestion would be either get a ph-3 for versatility/help you find a phase sound you like OR consider looking at flangers.:cop:

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I think I want phase, just a very light phase. The MXRs and EHXs don't come with a blend knob so I have to deal with one overpowering phasing sound, when I just want to use it as an accent



I feel you. This is how I use my phasers, as well. Just a gentle swoosh still mixed with alot of dry guitar signal.


Got a Phase 90 and I modded the R28, C11 and C12 resistors. The phase is alot less pronounced and sounds exactly how you're describing it. I had a Nano Stone previously and like this phase tone much, much better.


Give it a shot!

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I got a PH-3 and its been pretty decent. Defiently one of the most versital phasers on the market. That said its not a plug in and go pedal. To get good sounds out of it takes some tweaking and experimenting. The position of the phaser in your signal chain also is can change the sound. I was experimenting with my PH-3 before distortion and it made the phase effect much more sublte.



the boss phasers have a resonance knob that controls basically the blend. the ph-3 also has many settings (4stage, 6stage, step etc.) so its very versatile.



I'm not entirely sure thats what the resonance knob does. I though that it was the amount of phased signal that was sent back to be phased again? Might be wort looking into.

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