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Questions about a "new" OCD pedal I bought


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Thanks IVark, looks like there are supposed to be 4 feet, and yes they all certainly have stickers with serial numbers on the bottom. This is seeming more and more like a scam now. New in box, yeah right... I wonder if I should post an ad in craigslist and see if someone claims it as being stolen.

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If you look at the circuit board itself there are obvious differences between the V3 and V4 board. If you look at the bottom right of the board around the opamp, there are noticibly less tracks around the V3 board than the V4. It should be fairly obvious what it is by the board. Can you post a pic of the internals?

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I wouldn't call it "New", either, so I understand why you'd be ticked off.

OTOH, 110 is a good deal for an OCD, and you'd certainly be able to turn it around for at least that if you find another deal for one that has the sticker and all of the box candy.

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I didn't think before I paid to PM him for pics as everything I ever bought in the past that was listed as new in box, actually meant it was factory sealed and new in box. I have sent him an angry PM now and his flippant response is troubling to say the least.

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I wouldn't call it "New", either, so I understand why you'd be ticked off.

OTOH, 110 is a good deal for an OCD, and you'd certainly be able to turn it around for at least that if you find another deal for one that has the sticker and all of the box candy.



I am writing a PM to him stating I would have prefered paying the extra $30 knowing I'd have a brand new unit than the OCD he misrepresented (no matter how long he owned it_ he now says the sticker was ripped off his pedal board with velcro). Right there he should know, "Ok I've been using this for 3 weeks on my pedal board and the sticker is missing and one of the rubber feet are gone and my dog chewed on the box, and I don't have the manual or warranty card, I think I will list it on HC and state it is New in Box." WTF???


I haven't even plugged the damn thing in Im so pissed off someone would pull this crap!

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Here is his response:

it came off of a pedal board.
The bottom label came off when I took the velcro off of the bottom. Maybe thats when of of the rubber feet came off. Sorry if the knobs were dusty. My new puppy chewed on the box a little bit. I litterally ordered that thing off of humbuckermusic.com about a month and a half. Its brand spanking new. Plug it in and rock! Thanks

He just goes over all the flaws and things that are missing and then says brand spanking new. Some people are freaking clueless... Just damn!

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well, he was wrong for presenting it as new, when really it wasnt... and without trying to be an ass im going to have to say that if i was somebody who freaked out over not having a fulltone sticker in the box, i believe i would be somebody who asked for pics... if it is something that bothers you that bad, take the time to check in on what you are buying... this is not musiciansfriend.com... It is a previously owned spam thread...

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Anyone know if Fulltone will even accept something like this for a warranty repair with the serial# sticker missing?

Heck I still have all the stuff from my first distortion pedal in 1986 an Arion Metal Master. It is what I would call in used condition and it would pass for NOS compared to this OCD. I still have the box and all the goodies as well.


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well, he was wrong for presenting it as new, when really it wasnt... and without trying to be an ass im going to have to say that if i was somebody who freaked out over not having a fulltone sticker in the box, i believe i would be somebody who asked for pics... if it is something that bothers you that bad, take the time to check in on what you are buying... this is not musiciansfriend.com... It is a previously owned spam thread...



So if someone lists something as new in box, don't you usually expect it to be brand new and not even used at all? I know I do, or else that is when you describe the item as "like new" or "slightly used". See the difference? And I'm not worried about just the sticker thing that says Fulltone, not being included, I am concerned the sticker with the serial # is missing, big difference.

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I just saw an Xotic BB that was listed here by USED666. I asked for a picture and while it looked mint it didn't have the box or manual, I passed. $150 is cheap but for the extra few bucks I'd spend to have everything it comes with new. That's just the kind of person I am.

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+1 to the 18v adapter, sounds awesome with the higher voltage.


I guess I'd be a bit pissed as it was described as new but you did get it for a decent price even if used. It looks good in the pics to me. As far as not getting the extra stuff or the box, mine didnt really come with much just an instruction sheet and a sticker. Arent warranty's usually limited to the original purchaser and non-transferrable?

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Anyone want a fair condition OCD version 4 for $110 with a missing serial # sticker; missing 1 rubber foot, no manual or warranty card and no Fulltone Sticker and the box the previous seller decided to ship it in so it is all taped up and postage and address labels are taped to it.

Note I will clean it up better than I received it, meaning no dust or greasy fingerprints. I might head to Home Depot to find a matching foot as I wouldn't feel right selling it as is.

Actually I am getting ahead of myself, I am still waiting on getting a refund but if that fails I may have to put it up for sale on here as I won't be able to stand the sight of it, thinking of this deal.

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Riff, thanks for the advice, I think I will do just that, take my frustration out on playing. Talking to the guy I bought it from is pissing me off even more...




What is there to debate? Is he claiming he sent you a new pedal?

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It don't get newer than the one youz gotz. Those graphics are the newest look and I do mean newest. You should just keep the whiny buyer stuff down to a dull roar. These aint baseball cards, nobody gets points off there tone for having a dogeared pedal. You gots to enjoy life not sweat the little stuff. In fact you can sell that OCD in about a minute in these environs and you won't get no guff about the condishun.

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