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just watched that kurt cobain documentary...

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well I know that he was a strange insecure {censored}ed up dude who wanted things his way all of time...and when he got things his way he changed his mind and decided he didnt want things that way anymore! :freak:

I think that weird stomach thing he always had was what was kindof really {censored}ing him up cause nobody could explain it or figure out what the hell it was

(probably heroin sickness really and ulcers from cough syrup and booze)


- I jus wanna hear stories about him bein a prick! :D

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The name of the documentary is "About A Son". You can find it on google video if you are interested.



that's it? i watched it on demand and i think it was titled "kurt cobain" or "cobain" it was a sundance film, the one that's narrated by none other than kurt.

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kurt couldnt accept the fact that if you are the number 1 rock star in the world that people and paparatzi definately will be crawling down your back and watching your every move and wanting to know where you are at all times and what the {censored} you are doing.....I draw the conclusion that kurt simply couldnt handle it...its what he always wanted but when he got it, it wasnt how he hoped it would be...definately bit off more then he could chew...I really think that if he bothered cleaning himself up and ditching his psycho wife and at least taking time off and disapperaing for a few years just get out of public and let {censored} die off....he probably wouldve found healing in his music, although I wouldnt think nirvana wouldve last too much longer...kurt wouldve ended it...dissappeared for a bit and probably come back with a group with him and the meat puppets most likely :idk:

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Kurt was a douche bag.


Heavier than Heaven is more fiction than fact though, take it with a grain of salt. I wouldn't take the stuff from past '89 as true.


One of the most obvious examples of his douche-yness is when he decides to show up on the third and final day of recording at Robert Lang studios without a guitar, amp, and pedals. Luckily, his guitar tech was working on one of his guitars and had his own pedalboard and the studio had an amp.

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Great success musically. Sadly, failed at everyday life. Why does this outcome manifest itself on the the one's we love?




Makes me think about Elliott Smith.

Elliott Smith and the Big Nothing is a really good book.

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