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So I was playing this weekend...


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...at church with this older guy on acoustic. I know him well enough, but it was his first time playing on a Sunday morning. Anyway, he leans over to me at one point during the second service and, looking down at my board, says something like, "Is all that stuff to cover up the fact that you can't play?"


I actually had a very similar experience to you! 'Cept this bloke played a Gibson jumbo so i used that against him...


"Is that jumbo acoustic to cover up the jumbo sized gut underneath?"


It was the best I could do without going too far...


"You like standing there with your jumbo acoustic don't you?"


"Compensating much??":cop:

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Why do I hear so much about church bands?

What do you guys play at church?

As far as I know, it doesn't happen at all here, I could be wrong though



I am really psyched about playing in Church now. Our parish is merging with two others and gaining a serious music ministry. The guys coming from one of the parishes have two guitars, bass, and percussion and keys in addition to our vocalists and organist. They play more latino flavored worship music and it is kicking. I can't wait to get in with them since the 2 guitars are acoustic. They guys are looking fwd to hearing my electric with chorus etc filling out teh tone.

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Why do I hear so much about church bands?

What do you guys play at church?

As far as I know, it doesn't happen at all here, I could be wrong though



It actually depends on which church you attend. I'm a fairly new Christian and I was used in going to a church where using Distortion and Delays are OK (Hillsongs United). Though, when I went to this church Lighthouse Evangelism, they play really old Worship songs. They play full band but people here are mostly conservative so songs are more solemn.

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I kicked in the Mayo for some extra heaviness toward the end of some song a couple weeks ago and let it ring just a bit when the song was over. After the service, I had a half dozen people tell me how much they loved it. I go to a pretty open church I guess. I've heard them get more up in arms over the placement of the communion table than the saturation of my gain, which is sad really, but as a 'trendy' guitarist, I dig it. :thu:


We actually beefed up an old one this past week -- Fairest Lord Jesus.

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Why do I hear so much about church bands?

What do you guys play at church?

As far as I know, it doesn't happen at all here, I could be wrong though



I dunno man, I asked the same thing over at TGP and got flamed to high hell for it. I don't think there's a church within a two county radius of my town that has any rock bands playing in the church; the whole thing just seems bizarre to me.


I would have given the geezer the Mandible claw and called it a day.

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My drummer always gives me the old "Do any of those boxes make it sound like a guitar?" I then proceed to tell him that they are necessary to be heard over his loud ass.:poke:



Pedals are just the same as having a big ass drum kit, you don't need it, but when you do you feel more secure about yourself. If he has a big kit ask him if he needs all those accessories.

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I kicked in the Mayo for some extra heaviness toward the end of some song a couple weeks ago and let it ring just a bit when the song was over. After the service, I had a half dozen people tell me how much they loved it. I go to a pretty open church I guess. I've heard them get more up in arms over the placement of the communion table than the saturation of my gain, which is sad really, but as a 'trendy' guitarist, I dig it.

We actually beefed up an old one this past week -- Fairest Lord Jesus.

:thu: Jesus :love: Big Muff

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