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Reverb for my dual recto


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Hi there,


I'm looking for a reverb pedal to use with my recto. I play Ibanez and ESP guitars, and we make hard&modern rock music. I'm thinking about using it all the time to add some depth to my sound.


Any suggestions? I will go for Boss pedal unless something really better is available in another brand.

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I tried a Holy Grail way back when I had a Dual Recto, but I eventually returned it and picked up an RV-5 that I used for a long time. I just didn't like how it sounded, so Boss is probably a good choice for you too.... I'd keep a look out for an RV-3 though, which gives you delay & reverb.

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Delay and reverb on the same pedal would rock, but can't they put both effects on the same pedal and deliver? Anyone tried it?


Yeah. The RV-3 gets a good amount of love in these parts. A lot of guys -- myself included -- have 'em, play 'em and love 'em.


11 modes w/ various standard delays (up to 2,000ms), delays plus reverb, and straight reverb (Hall, Room & Plate) make it a very good pedal...



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Yeah. The RV-3 gets a good amount of love in these parts. A lot of guys -- myself included -- have 'em, play 'em and love 'em.

11 modes w/ various standard delays (up to 2,000ms), delays plus reverb, and straight reverb (Hall, Room & Plate) make it a very good pedal...


What sucks is you can't switch for dual mode to reverb only, unless you turn the knobs.

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