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New Fender Princeton Reverb Reissue

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I have a Silverface that my amp tech recapped, replace the electrolyics in, and basically rewired to blackface specs (something about the rectifier tube)

Anyway he declared it the best sounding PR he's ever heard... but when I cranked it it had that weird flubby distortion, sounded better clear but not really great to me compared to my Deluxe Reverb reissue. I rembered reading that the phase inverter circuit was a bit underpowered and a simple mod called the "Paul C" mod created an improved headroom and tone by increasing voltage to the phase inverter tube. Anyway after I did the mod the amp sounded perfect to me. Nice tight bass response. Shimmering cleans. Overdriven, very Deluxe Reverb-like with maybe a little more mid hump. It's pretty much a Deluxe Reverb without the second channel now with the tone somewhere between a brownface Deluxe and a blackface Deluxe Reverb.
The perfect practice/gigging amp for me now. I wouldn't change a thing.
Incidently I use a 30 watt ceramic 12" Jensen speaker with mine

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The other guy in my band uses a 64 princeton for practice. There is nothing extra special about these amps. It's the standard fender tone. They break up a bit earlier than some other fenders but it's nothing drastic. Lets face it, ALL fender amp from this ear are pretty much the same amp with different wattages.

The Princeton is the father of the Boogie ! Don't forget that. Put a 12 in her and NOS tubes and she wakes up and sings. The reverb and trem are really good. Week and a half till she gets here. :mad:

"Lets face it, ALL fender amp from this ear are pretty much the same amp with different wattages."

Not really. Many differant preamps and voltages going on...:) The PR and DR are really not the same at all.

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Dont mean to hijack this thread but

I have a Princeton Reverb II that I snagged a while back... have yet to do any mods on it, although I intend to.

However, the tone in these vids is what Im after. My PRII is a bit shrill, Im looking for a little more warmth...so

Would it be better to just mod my current amp a bit or sell it and get the new PRR, keep in mind my amp is PtP and Im betting this is a PCB....Thoughts?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I received my PRRI today and all I can say is that I am speechless...this amp has "the" perfect breakup point, I swear I never had an amp that broke up so right, and one that was so responsive to attack...the reverb could be the best I've ever heard, the trem kicks absolute ass, it is very usable and has a wider range than other amps in it's class...this amp is the warmest sounding amp I ever had the pleasure of playing...so far I've only spent an hour playing it...in that short of time I was getting Brad Paisley type tones as well as some serious 60's type groove and some Stones type tones.

The last Fender I had that even came remotely close to this little amp was a cvr (the cvr is not in the same league as this little amp)...this little Princeton blows it away and too my ears it's better than the DRRI in the tone and breakup departments, the reverb is as good or on par with a DRRI but it doesn't have as much headroom...though it is close...I'm not even going to bother putting it up against my Blues Junior (it is not in the same class of amps/league)

I'm going to spend more time with it later this evening and push it in the 6-8 volume range...I now understand the $900 price point

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I have a Silverface that my amp tech recapped, replace the electrolyics in, and basically rewired to blackface specs (something about the rectifier tube)

Anyway he declared it the best sounding PR he's ever heard... but when I cranked it it had that weird flubby distortion, sounded better clear but not really great to me compared to my Deluxe Reverb reissue. I rembered reading that the phase inverter circuit was a bit underpowered and a simple mod called the "Paul C" mod created an improved headroom and tone by increasing voltage to the phase inverter tube. Anyway after I did the mod the amp sounded perfect to me. Nice tight bass response. Shimmering cleans. Overdriven, very Deluxe Reverb-like with maybe a little more mid hump. It's pretty much a Deluxe Reverb without the second channel now with the tone somewhere between a brownface Deluxe and a blackface Deluxe Reverb.

The perfect practice/gigging amp for me now. I wouldn't change a thing.

Incidently I use a 30 watt ceramic 12" Jensen speaker with mine



12" ceramic weber speaker, paul c mod and blackface reverse mod are what i did to my princeton reverb. The paul c mod and the speaker upgrades are key.

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Dont mean to hijack this thread but

I have a Princeton Reverb II that I snagged a while back... have yet to do any mods on it, although I intend to.

However, the tone in these vids is what Im after. My PRII is a bit shrill, Im looking for a little more warmth...so

Would it be better to just mod my current amp a bit or sell it and get the new PRR, keep in mind my amp is PtP and Im betting this is a PCB....Thoughts?



There's some mods you can do to the PRII (I've got one - it's a great amp IMO, but considerably different in several respects from my blackfaced 71 Princeton Amp), but one of the big differences is the rectification - it's solid state on a PRII, so if you're looking for sag, you'd be better off with a PRRI IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Oops..I think actually what I did was the Stokes mod and NOT the Paul C mod.

Just setting the record straight.


In order for this mod not to tax the PT, I replaced the rectifier tube with a solid state plug in. Also I slightly modded the caps in the tone stack to tighten up the bass and mids. The values I went with are:

250p treble, .047 uF bass, .07 uF mids


Sounds great now.:wave:



The Stokes mod:










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