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Line 6 ToneCore rebate - which one should I get?

Dr. T

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So I just ordered a verbzilla, and apparently Line 6 is doing some sort of rebate where you can get a free module, which I guess is kind of pointless unless you get the dock as well. But anyway, I'm looking at all of these ToneCore pedals and I have no idea which one to get. Some of them seem to have pretty mixed reviews. The echo park seems nice, and so does the rotary pedal. I'm pretty open to anything, just as long as it's solid and does a good job. Which ToneCore pedals have y'all had good luck with?

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I've got two docks and the Verbzilla, Echo Park and Flanger modules. The flanger is nice and has lots and lots of options. But I don't use a flanger too much so I'd go for the Echo Park because it is a great delay pedal. You can only get full use with an extra dock of course, but it's still nice being able to quickly switch between a reverb or delay pedal if you feel the need

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I already have a Boss DD-3. Would it be a bit redundant to keep that pedal and get the echo park? I'm not really into modulation pedals a whole lot, but I also don't see the practicality of having two delay pedals. The thing is I really like the DD-3 and don't really want to get rid of it.

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