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NAD: DRRI and Craigslist Content


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So I sold my AC15 and a couple other things because i needed a change. I originally thought that the DRRI was a little out of my price range but yesterday I was looking on my local NY craigslist and found this baby for 450 bills, I emailed the guy right away, this was around 1:00, he got back to me within minutes saying that he had people coming to look at it at 5:00. So I jumped in my car, drove 45min to the guys house. Played it, loved it, payed him and now I have a DRRI, and I really couldn't be happier. :love:






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thanks guys, yeah im really loving the tone coming from this thing. I've played DRRI's before but I've never played one to this extent (about 4 hours) haha. It loves all three pickups on my strat, especially my humbucker, which I'm really happy about.


anddd, push this thing with a russian muff, holy crap, it's really amazing.

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yeah i believe i got incredibly lucky, i've been looking at prices for like a month now and i never saw anything this low.


i've been playing it all day and i have really fallen in love, i didnt feel this way about the ac15. bendafender you are dead on about the reverb, its fantastic.

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