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OT: "Passion Marks"

Bill Cosby

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A girl gave me a hickey on my neck once... dumped her the next day. It's {censored}ing stupid, and makes you look like a {censored}tard.

My motto is, if you want to suck on something.... make it my dick or GTFO!!!



hehe, you're alright L_Z_nut

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haha wtf?

i mean i have an interview at Pacific Sunwear.

nothing big. but a job that is needed.



come on man, its a retial store where you can wear casual stuff at.


They wont care about a hickey. They will probably be like "rad hickey dude."

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come on man, its a retial store where you can wear casual stuff at.

They wont care about a hickey. They will probably be like "rad hickey dude."


haha your probably right.

but i need a job, and there are 10824 other people who want this job.

i dont wanna make a bad first impression, you know?

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haha your probably right.

but i need a job, and there are 10824 other people who want this job.

i dont wanna make a bad first impression, you know?

or look at it this way. If you dont get the job you could call your girlfriend and say "its all your fault." Then you could hold it over her head and get what you always want...yessss that means sex to.:wave::idea::cop:

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show up drunk

no one will care about the hickey



Also punch yourself in the eye and say you got mugged on your way to the interview, or that your dad hates PacSun and when you visited him in his maximum security prison he punched right through the bulletproof glass into your eyeball with one hand and reached through the hole with the other and throttled you around the neck.

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