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New Amp Ordered Day! (Reeves content)

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I finally did it! I ordered a Reeves Custom 50 head and a 2x12 cab loaded with vintage purples! I'm beside myself right now. I've been wanting a Hiwatt type amp for a long time. The wait is about four weeks, though. Not bad considering, but its still going to be torture. I just hope this will be the be-all end-all of amps for me. Yay Me!!!:)

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Nice man. That's not really a bad wait at all. I'll be getting my first "wait list" amp this week or next.



Yeah, after that 2 1/2 month wait on the Lunar Modules, waiting a month for an amp should be a walk in the park. What amp are you getting?

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Yeah, after that 2 1/2 month wait on the Lunar Modules, waiting a month for an amp should be a walk in the park. What amp are you getting?



It's a Fargen MiniPlex head. I was between that and the Suhr Badger but the Fargen looks like it's more for me.

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Yes! Awesome news, can't wait to hear how it is. You are copying my rig now.



Looks that way. We will have similar rigs. Can't wait to hear how my effects will sound on it. I feel like my old Blues Deluxe wasn't letting my pedals perform to the best of their abilities.

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