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kinda scared to ask this....

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...but has anybody seen the new live dvd John Mayer put out last week?


Honestly, I like the guy's music...inventive at times in a rhythmic way and he just seems to know how to put a killer band together.


So, anybody?:poke:

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I ain't skeered....


It's one of the best concert dvd's I've seen in a long while. The guy deserves mucho respect. Not many can pull off the trifecta of being able to write good songs, have monster chops AND sing decently while doing so. He may not be the greatest at all 3 things, but that's a total package that makes him a musician's musician in my book.

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...but has anybody seen the new live dvd John Mayer put out last week?

Honestly, I like the guy's music...inventive at times in a rhythmic way and he just seems to know how to put a killer band together.




I'm pleased for you. The more you enjoy him, the it makes up for the fact that I think he's an odious little {censored}.

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...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say
...say what you need to say

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...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say

...say what you need to say



wow, is that John Mayer? I heard that playing the other day while I was in my study. Super annoying. I asked my wife if she could maybe try to listen to music where they actually rhyme words with other words, so, you know they don't just repeat the same thing 50 {censored}ing times.

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wow, is that John Mayer? I heard that playing the other day while I was in my study. Super annoying. I asked my wife if she could maybe try to listen to music where they actually rhyme words with other words, so, you know they don't just repeat the same thing 50 {censored}ing times.



yes it is and i have to listen to that {censored} 40 x a day at work. i hate crappy radio stations....

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I'm pleased for you. The more you enjoy him, the it makes up for the fact that I think he's an odious little {censored}.



odious....good word...maybe Mayer will read this thread and use that in a song:poke:


glad you're happy for me:wave:

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odious....good word...maybe Mayer will read this thread and use that in a song:poke:




If I thought I had that much influence over John Meyer, I'd be composing hourly threads entitled 'Go on John, for the good of humanity, plant a bullet between your eyes for us'.

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John Mayer is good. In fact, he's not the best guitarist, but his tone and sound are a lot better than most. I don't know anyone that is as good at guitar as him personally, and I doubt many people on here do. Am I a "fan", not really...but his solos and chops are good.

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If I thought I had that much influence over John Meyer, I'd be composing hourly threads entitled 'Go on John, for the good of humanity, plant a bullet between your eyes for us'.



haha, i mean, i could never get pissed at you for disliking something that i happen to enjoy


....especially with the funny comebacks:p

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John Mayer is good. In fact, he's not the best guitarist, but his tone and sound are a lot better than most. I don't know anyone that is as good at guitar as him personally, and I doubt many people on here do. Am I a "fan", not really...but his solos and chops are good.




Why praise technique though if the end product is {censored}? You don't get people saying 'Well, this writer's book is terrible but the way he constructs paragraphs is great!'.


He has nice tone = he can set some EQ knobs right. Woooooo.


His sound is nice = the song's sucked but saying he has nice sound is better than saying the entire set was a finely polished turd to listen to.


This isn't just directed at Meyer. It's directed at the whole 'Wow, nice technique crowd'. Hendrix stands out to me because he had serious technique yet didn't let it get in the way of the actual song ie. for all his guitar-playing ability, the actual output wasn't {censored}. With Meyer, you have a decent technical ability, decent tone (of course he's going to have decent tone. When you reach a level of wealth like he has, you don't tend to gig with solidstate practice amps) but songs that have a similar emotional impact to being lightly stroked on the buttocks with a moist arugula leaf. He makes Jewl look like GG Allin.

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haha, i mean, i could never get pissed at you for disliking something that i happen to enjoy

....especially with the funny comebacks:p




It's cool that the world works that way. Your love for John meets my dislike and desire to see his lifeless corpse being wheeled out of a downtown apartment block at 4am... it's balancing out the life energies. The hitch is that, if you stop buying his records and liking him, the balance is broken and it tilts over toward 'Time to die John' territory and he starts having suicidal fantasies. before you know it, you're drunk one night at 4am, eating pizza and watching the news, when your eyes fall upon that small trolley carrying a human-sized zip-up black bag and you realise what's happened.


Or was that Kurt Cobain? I forget.

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