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Why I love HCFX...show some love people!!


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Firstly no hate please, if you don't love HCFX then {censored} off somewhere else and do yourself and the rest of us all a favour.


Secondly over the last couple of months I've joined several other music related forums...but guess what? I ended up back here, because to me the people here are, on the whole, a much better bunch of people...and that is why I love this place. It's also busy, fast moving and fun. sure we all knock it at times, but compaired to some other forums around.....this place is pretty {censored}ing good.



so congratulations everyone, we are all members of a damn fine forum. :thu:


.....if you don't think so why are you here?

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Firstly no hate please, if you don't love HCFX then {censored} off somewhere else and do yourself and the rest of us all a favour.

Secondly over the last couple of months I've joined several other music related forums...but guess what? I ended up back here, because to me the people here are, on the whole, a much better bunch of people...and that is why I love this place. It's also busy, fast moving and fun. sure we all knock it at times, but compaired to some other forums around.....this place is pretty {censored}ing good.

so congratulations everyone, we are all members of a damn fine forum.

.....if you don't think so why are you here?

I agree! I used to be on TGP primarily and that place is :bor:

This place has a great community and I love the fast paced no holds-barred approach. There isn't a lot of boutique snobbery either.

I'm glad I saw the light :idea:

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This is the best forum I've ever found by far. It's rarely slow, you can almost always get answers to questions, 99% of people here are cool - and most importantly, it's the best place on the net to score good deals on pedals!

Though it's also the best place on the net for making you buy stuff you can't afford ;) I wouldn't have it any other way though.

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This is the best forum I've ever found by far. It's rarely slow, you can almost always get answers to questions, 99% of people here are cool - and most importantly, it's the best place on the net to score good deals on pedals!





Yes, like I have said before, a lot of people concentrate on the negative and forget about the positives of HCFX. It's really not that bad, 98% of people are friendly, Phil is dead on and the vast majority of the forumites are trustworthy enough to do deals with on pedals and stuff.

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HCFX is a great forum. I've learnt a lot from being here and talked to some really good people. I even got some Isle of Wight rock out of it!

Some people think it's gotten bitchier. After spending four years on an anorexia forum during my recovery period (forum male population: about seven. forum female population: over 4000 thousand), I can safely say that what some people call bitching here is nothing to what happened over there. Y'all a bunch of pussycats compared to the ladies and I'm sure there's less threesomes going on here too*...

(*with the obvious exception of Netstar and his porn dungeon full of concubines).

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This place is great. I was formerly very active on a couple of other forums but as soon as I started posting here I realized I have much more in common with you guys. BUT if anyone is into acoustics check out the UMGF. There are some amaaaaazing luthiers and acoustic instrument historians posting over there if you can get past the geezers (which in this context is a negative term).

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Secondly over the last couple of months I've joined several other music related forums...but guess what? I ended up back here, because to me the people here are, on the whole, a much better bunch of people...and that is why I love this place. It's also busy, fast moving and fun. sure we all knock it at times, but compaired to some other forums around.....this place is pretty {censored}ing good.



Out of interest what other forums did you try ?

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This is the best forum I've ever found by far. It's rarely slow, you can almost always get answers to questions, 99% of people here are cool - and most importantly, it's the best place on the net to score good deals on pedals!




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Despite my complaints now and then, I do love HCFX. There are arguments, but at least we don't have to put up with the BS that goes on over at TGP or The Fender Forums. :thu:


There are tons of people that really know their stuff when it comes to pedals, and I owe them a big "Thank you!" for all I've learned from their posts. If it wasn't for HCFX, I'd have never found EHX, or the DE7. :love:


Good thread idea Melx. :thu:

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Out of interest what other forums did you try ?



I'd rather not say because a couple of the others I joined were fine (and I may still spend some time on them)....I just didn't like them as much as here for one reason or another.


They were mostly the ones people mention here from time to time.

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Despite my complaints now and then, I do love HCFX. There are arguments, but at least we don't have to put up with the BS that goes on over at TGP or The Fender Forums.

There are tons of people that really know their stuff when it comes to pedals, and I owe them a big "Thank you!" for all I've learned from their posts. If it wasn't for HCFX, I'd have never found EHX, or the DE7.

Good thread idea Melx.

I'm glad to see you around too Anti, you kinda vanished for a little while (or maybe I just kept missing your posts) but it's good to see you around again anyway!

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