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Anybody tried these Red Witch pedals?


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I got my first Moon Phase from them in '03, so they've been around for a bit. Excellent quality. I sold it and toured some other phasers... PH350, Shannon, Psilocybe, DNA, Retro-Sonic, BYOC, etc. etc.... and years later came back to the Moon Phase. Well, the Moon Phase AND the Sobbat Phase Breaker II. If you're looking for a high quality, watery, shimmery, and almost vibe-like phase, the Moon Phase is killer.

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I have the moon phaser, fuzz god II, and the pentavocal trem. The fuzz god is a great pedal, tons of sounds in there. The trem is very good but there are better ones out there. The moon phaser has some really great sounds in it but the controls seem very limiting. One thing about these pedals that i love is that they do NOT color your sound at all, they are very transparent and very quiet. They are top notch quality.

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I was absolutely baffled at how noisy the Chorus could get with one of the knobs cranked. Total hiss fest...my friend claims it's normal...can anyone explain this? Sounded awful.



Do you know which knob was cranked up? Reason I ask is I'm looking for a quality chorus pedal. Kinda a reason for this thread.


Just bought the Boss CE-20 and I get hiss at normal levels. Not a hiss fest but noticeable. The brilliance and ambience knobs seem almost ineffective. Maybe a bad pedal.

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Do you know which knob was cranked up? Reason I ask is I'm looking for a quality chorus pedal. Kinda a reason for this thread.

Just bought the Boss CE-20 and I get hiss at normal levels. Not a hiss fest but noticeable. The brilliance and ambience knobs seem almost ineffective. Maybe a bad pedal.

I tried the Boss CE-20 and didn't like too much. It seemed too bright, almost 'brittle', rather than warm like the original CE-1.

My Visual Sound H2O Liquid Chorus & Echo pedal has more of a "swoosh" than a hiss, when used with high gain. It's not too bad (the chorus is GREAT :love: ) but I have reserved it for cleaner tones.

Yet I do have cables and electrical leads everywhere which is likely inducing a lot of noise in my signal path :facepalm:

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