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Delay help! (Plus NPD)


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Okay, so first the good news. I just won an auction for a pedal I have wanted very much for a very long time; The EHX Small Stone. I could not be more excited as I also just got my amp back from my friend who borrowed it for several months.


Now the bad news. My beloved rocktron short timer just crapped out on me. I plugged it in and... nothing. Bypassed or not it doesn't work. Any ideas? Or should I just look for a new cheap digital delay? (*Suggestions are welcomed.)

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Hate to be obvious but have you tried your short timer with:
Different battery?
Different power supply?
Different cables?
Different instrument?

Just to make sure it's not actually something else...

I've made very dumb mistakes in the past along similar lines :rolleyes:.


Congrats on the small stone, BTW.

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