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OT: My Band's First Gig /w Pics

Ice Monster

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So last night my band Some Electric Life did our first gig. It was in a local pub supporting two other local bands called SloeBlack Slow Black and Dreamer. We had a good laugh, did a seven song half an hour set. No serious cockups. Only problems were that Elliot needed to be higher in the mix and I was abit loud at points, but it wasn't the most ideal setup, so I had to crank it.



Elliot & Clark



Myself & Joe



Ell & Clark again





We got alot of comments. People really liked our material. A local unsigned band promoter was amazed at how young we were (15-17) and that it was our first gig, "I've seen bands play for years and not reach that level".

The promoter was really pleased with us and said "We've got some more gigs coming up, charity gigs in Cardiff, so we'll definatley get you on there".

We've also got another gig coming up. Hour long set + we're getting paid. Should be fantastic! :D



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I like your band. Especially Siren's Call.



thanks man.... if you're ever on the east coast of america, come see us!



(oh, and the "cheers, big ears" is just something my buddies always said as a toast... i thought it was a british thing, maybe its an us thing.)

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Something about the shot of you bass player reminded me of Adam Clayton.


Hahahah! Brilliant. I'll definatley tell him that XD

Thanks for all your positive words guys.

We're gonna be working on some new material to lead us up to our new gigs. I'd say the seven songs we've got currently are fairly solid. With two more off the EP we didn't play which we'll revisit someday.

One of the guys taking photos of us said that he could that "We were loving it [playing there] by our eyes".

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Yeah in it's my sig.

However, I'd say our EP doesn't really reflect how we sound now. We recorded it about a month after we formed, now about six months down the line we are much tighter as a band, writing better songs hopefully as well.



The only thing about it is the vocals kind of sound separated from the music too much.

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Hmm. Seems like Fender one's are abit more subtle. I'll let Elliot know, he's the one with the SG.



haha! it's all good man. wear whatever you guys want... lol. big brand names are usually a no no for me though (on a shirt or anything else other than sneakers). If gibson was giving me a free guitar to wear that strap i'd definitely do it though...

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