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Oscillating Fuzz That Retains Bass and Mids: Suggestions?

Sad Darwin

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Yeah, I've done a bit more research on the Fuzz Gun and I definitely does seem to be able to put out some lofi grinding low end, but as you said in every clip I've come across it seems to litterally devour the note. So you probably can't pull one of those "lead that jumps back down to the low drone with computer glitches on the way down" type things right?



If it does I haven't found it, I dig the osscilation and it holds the bass structure well but the gate overwhelms its ability to do the glitching down fade. You should look into the Ultra Lord though, I think it does that pretty well.

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Ok, I emailed Colin from Experimentalists Anonymous and requested a Parallel Universe. It's Oscillator seems to sound the fullest out of all these Fuzz's and it seems to keep it's low end very well from what I've read and heard thusfar about it on this forum and elsewhere. Beyond that it seems to glitch out as well as the wolf computer, with the added versatility of an Osc Bypass stomp, a Starve bypass stomp, AND expression pedal inputs for Osc pitch and gate. Pretty damn versatile. I wish he made it plane brushed steel with black lettering. DBA's aesthetics are great. Oh well, you can't have everything.

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If you haven't got rid of your Fuzz Factory yet, try it into dirt first. I just started playing my bassman today, and I run my BOR with just enough gain where it gets crunchy if I hit really hard, but is clean if I'm playing softly. I have been running the fuzz factory through it and it's night and day different when I turn the BOR on and off. Makes the FF WAY WAY WAY thicker.

So try running the FF into whatever dirt you've already got running. If that doesn't does you after a little bit of experimenting with it, look elsewhere.

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Ok I got a Parallel Universe. It's an excellent Fuzz, does the 8 bit gated thing, and it's Oscillation has a great range, but I think what some of you were saying is a general fact with Oscillating fuzzes. When the Oscillator is low and droning, it will over power most of your playing. It just seems to be the nature of the beast. This pedal has some interesting abilities though with it's expression pedal input for both gain and Oscillator frequency. Certainly useful but not exactly what I was looking for. I think what I'm looking for, the sound in my head, actually doesn't exist just yet in the world.


I'm going to screw around with different levels of compression pre Osc fuzz and see if that can change anything. One thing I'll say is that alot of what you get results wise is heavily dependent on the input. If I succeed I will post a clip, or better yet link you to a finished song with my project. Anyway, thanks for your help everyone.

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I was gonna say Wolf Computer.
Retains a nice underlying bass despite its agressive crunch. Pitch down glitch and oscillating pitch goes way down.
More controlable than some (at times).

When it's "low and droning," you can still play overtop decently (check out 1:30 and 2:19 in this demo).

Anyway, glad you found a pedal!

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I'm with stompbox man. I love my FF. It's trebly and high gain--sure. But it's just utterly expansive. You can get more bottom end, but you may need to either work it from your amp or roll off some volume on the bridge. I guess you could loop it with an EQ attached to really boost the bottom, too. I like things when they sound like they're blowing up and I can definitely get this through the FF.


But the other pedals you're looking at are pretty hot, too. DBA has a lot of fans.

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Can you try a Fuzz Factory or a Fuzz Probe any place near you?



Actually I have, and honestly I do love the Fuzz Factory. It just isn't exactly what I'm looking for, which I've tried to verbalize previously in the thread to the best of my ability. I'm really thinking the Osc Fuzz sound in my head may not exist, at least not in a single device. I'm going to screw around with the Parallel Universe a little more after work though. The one thing the FF has over the PU thusfar is that the gate seems a little softer on the Zvex, a good quality for what I'm going for...

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Wow, ok I know I posted Oscillating Fuzz as the subject here, but being that people have suggested stuff as peripheral as filters, I'm surprised no one suggested a MoogerFooger FreqBox. That thing is {censored}ing bad ass, and it has enough FM and expression capabilities to (if I feed it fuzz) more than suffice.

Have any of you guys used this thing?


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