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Clean Boost... where's yours.


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i dont want to ask where the proper place is for it, i just want to know where in your chain you put it and why. i've had it at the end for a couple months so i can boost my modulation and delay effects. i had it at the front and right after the dirt but it drowned out delay trails and loops.



where's yours? why?

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i have mine after one dirt pedal and before my other 3 or 4. this way i can boost an overdriven signal if i want to, or overdrive into another dirt if i want to.

Good setup.:thu:

I tried to eliminate "chain" issues by using the following:

Wah > Comp (or boost) > dirt (or boost) > boost (or dirt) > fuzz > vibe > dirt (or boost) >EQ (or boost) > fuzz > delay > amps (or dirt) with optional boost

By adjusting controls I can use many effects as clean boosts before and/or after my dirt/fuzz/vibe/delay. It's a really versatile setup that takes a lot of the "where does this effect go" out of the equation.

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thanks a lot... you guys are crazy, though.


anglerfish: 4 fuzzes? dear god... i dont use fuzz, yet. but i'll keep that in mind.

leer43: i like your band.... i saw you played a few dates with 5 times august, i played with brad back in dallas a few times.

Aaron: you just like to throw pedals down and use them where they stick... dontcha? that board just keeps getting bigger!

WWW: i dont have enough boost pedals to do that, but i have my modulation effects going in to one loop and my delay thru another... if i keep the boost at the end, i can kinda achieve what you'd got there.



thanks. keep talking about it if you like. i'm into reading this {censored}!

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WWW: i dont have enough boost pedals to do that, but i have my modulation effects going in to one loop and my delay thru another... if i keep the boost at the end, i can kinda achieve what you'd got there.

thanks. keep talking about it if you like. i'm into reading this {censored}!



I don't even have one dedicated boost. That's the beautiful part of selecting effects. I chose many of mine because they double as boosts when you set them accordingly. You can use your crunchbox as a boost, so you have the option of two boosts if you have a piece that doesn't use OD. See where I'm going with this?

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Aaron: you just like to throw pedals down and use them where they stick... dontcha? that board just keeps getting bigger!



haha yeah thats fairly true. i do like boosting distortions/fuzzes with boosts though. i don't need to be louder, just fuzzier.

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