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why john mayer is good for guitar


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i do own all the Band's CD's actually all the way back to the hawk. And love all the artists mentioned.

but don't tell me the ones still putting out records aren't just rehashing the same old stuff too.



the hawk?

You mean The Hawks? The band that backed Dylan...that never put out an album under the name "the hawks" Not sure what LP you are talking about..

Maybe a LP where they backed Ronnie Hawkins? I think they only had a single out..


Anyway, Good job! you have the band covered... (which 99% of JMs fans can't say they have)

Do you have all of Traffic? or Dylan? or 70's Van? or Bob Marley? or any early Pre Sticky Fingers Stones?

How someone could buy a John Mayer CD before owning Hendrix "First Rays" or Traffic "Low spark of Highheeled boys" is beyond me...


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dude i'm not a john mayer fan. i'm just defending him from you cannibals haha. i don't listen to his music and wouldn't buy his records but i know people who would and who might get inspired to pick up a guitar. therefore i think he is good for the guitar as stated by the OP.


yah, Ronnie Hawkins..

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dude i'm not a john mayer fan. i'm just defending him from you cannibals haha. i don't listen to his music and wouldn't buy his records but i know people who would and who might get inspired to pick up a guitar. therefore i think he is good for the guitar as stated by the OP.

yah, Ronnie Hawkins..

It's all good! :thu:
Just trying to open some ears! I used to run a used LP store and have listened to tons of different music...seen bands come and go...
John Mayer is not the worst ever...but it's just that there is much much better music to listen too...
Many people don't even listen to music!

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Seriously, I didn't even know who he was until I came on this forum a year ago.....and I still don't understand why he provokes such strong reactions from either side....he's just 'meh' that's it.... end of.




Because...he started as a POP star...now he's the "Blues" young gun...

Just think if Avril or the Jonas brothers started playing Blues guitar and were held as the New savior of the blues...really it's not that far off.

John Mayer was a kiddie pop star that little girls put pin ups of him on their wall...but now he's the Savior of the blues... Pretty strange...

You can't see how that could provoke strong reactions?

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I'll say it one last time...

Why waste your time listing to John Mayer when there is so much better TRUE CLASSIC music out there that you haven't listened to?

Here's a much shorter list...all of these artists are lightyears better song writers..this is what JM wishest he was like...it's what he is trying to copy...

It's all blues based rock and roll...ask JM himself and he'll tell you that all of these artists are way way better than him and that he could only dream of writing songs as good as they do...

It's fine to like John mayer...but he is far far from being "da {censored}"

I'll i'm saying is move on from the little girl kiddie music that he writes...There is a reason these artists are legends...



I think the whole point of this thread and what most people seem to not get is that he's good FOR guitar not necessarily good AT guitar which is left to anyone's opinion. I think the whole idea is that he brings guitar music to popular music. His music might not have the soul that you guys seem to keep talking about but he takes his influences from SRV and Jimi and makes it popular. Not popular in the sense that he is well know among musicians but popular to the MTV generation who listen to things like Linkin Park or Jack Johnson or whatever who might not have any music background. Jeff Beck is great, jimi is great, clapton is great but you dont hear their music out where popular culture is anymore. On the other hand, you hear Mayer who has music playing all over the place, he's a media whore but people who listen to his music will find it as a gateway to better music. They will youtube his song "Wait until Tomorrow" and find that it's really a cover of a Jimi song and in turn get more interested in Jimi. In that sense, yeah he's great for guitar.


Just my 2 cents.

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