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Dorm room amp question


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Dear HCFX,


I only brought my acoustic to college with me initially because I wasn't sure about space limitations, but now I A) know I have room for my electric and B) miss the crap out of it.


My question is if I bring my whole rig, including the Blues Junior, will I be able to play it at a decent enough volume that I won't want to throw it out the window but it won't get me in troubles?



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I just lock the door

All anyone does on my floor is play WoW and watch TV so I'm not too worried


Even so, theft is the number one reported crime on college campuses. I used to work with the campus police at the University of Washington (not as a cop; more as a student liaison), and everything was getting stolen left and right. Nothing was safe. The problem isn't always the owner's fault, but the fact that so many people come in and out of campus, the dorms, frat houses, classrooms, etc., that it's nearly impossible to keep track and many young people are less than vigilant about locking their doors, keeping an eye on their bags, etc. Things get even worse when you factor in roommates, dorm parties, things like that.


Not to sound like a curmudgeon, just keep an eye on your stuff. Once people on your floor find out that you play, at least a couple of them will be wondering how much the stuff you play is worth, and even the cool ones may have friends who aren't so cool.

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^ Interesting. Fortunately there's a very low rate of theft here (University of Mary Washington) because the whole school was built off the idea of this Honor Code and even though it's lame and you have to go to this Honor Convocation and get dressed up and sign a thing saying you won't be a douche bag, it's actually nice cause even the dumbasses abide by it.

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^ Interesting. Fortunately there's a very low rate of theft here (University of Mary Washington) because the whole school was built off the idea of this Honor Code and even though it's lame and you have to go to this Honor Convocation and get dressed up and sign a thing saying you won't be a douche bag, it's actually nice cause even the dumbasses abide by it.

Honor Convocation would be a good name for a band. :thu:

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