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Question for all you VOX lovers...

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How much of a difference is there in the circuts of the AC30 and AC15? I realize the wattage is different, but sound wise, how do they compare... The other guitarist in my band (now using a Fender Deville) is GASSing for one badly... He loves the 15, but has never really tried a 30... He doesnt need much headroom... would you go with a 30 or 15? we play all sized venues... I guess what i am asking is the 15 going to be enough power (wattage, speaker) or does he need to be a man and go for the 30?


btw I use a twin from about 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 on usual shows for comparison

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I don't have much knowledge on the differences, but I had an AC15 for about a month and returned it. I hated it. It took my dirt pedals terribly. Sounded shrill. Traded it in for a DRRI and I prefer it.


I later found out the AC30 is a much different amp. (better, apparently)

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I've played both. The AC30 has alot more tonal options, but they're pretty much the same core sound. Playing out, I would definitely go for the AC30 over the AC15. I have an AC15 that I use for recording, and I really like it, but I can definitely notice a big level drop between it and an AC30. I would never use it out, unless I was maybe playing with a jazz trio in a restaurant. The AC15 doesn't feel powerful enough for me to use it at a club (but I should note that I like to play very loudly).

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I have and STILL use an AC-15 and to talk about the guys comment about dirt up there....Distortion will NOT sound good with a Vox AC-15 but i layer like 3 OD's and Boost's and at one time and it sounds GREAT! Theres not much difference between the two but i would go with the 15 cause its plenty loud enough. I've played TONS of outdoor shows (among big indoor too) and have never been in need of volume. I think the 15 is a good choice.

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After buying my second AC15CC, I can say that the bright cap mod does make a big difference. As I'm not keeping the amp anyhow, ripping out that little part was a joyful feeling. It's a lot more usable after the bright mod. Still not sounding like my TBX and there's some other things I find utterly wierd with the amp but never mind, it'll be gone now...

If you can handle the loudness aspect, go for the AC30.

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AC30 dominates teh {censored} out of the 15.


The 15 breaks up a lot quicker.

Not sure about the circuit.

But your definately going from 2 el84s to 4.


I found the tone in the ac30 to be more open warmer, and "life"


Where as i felt the ac15 was kind of boring and lifeless. You play a tele through an ac30 and its like... Man, thats what i've been looking for. Opposite of that for the 15.


I love my ac30. Only thing i'm looking at that will replace it is a DC30/HC30 w/ blues.

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Ive got an AC15 heritage, and played my 1st few shows with it in the last month or so and it is plenty loud. At half power 7.5 w the volume has only been on half and full power the volume is less than 9 o'clock on the dial. The heritage combo is much bigger than the AC15cc which gives the speaker a bit more room to breathe.


Mine takes all my pedals well inc my rat, not tried many TS types yet though


Its a very nice sounding amp but has no reverb / trem or master volume so it depends if you can live without those options, but im glad i got a 15 as for the size of gigs im playing an AC30 would be overkill

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