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OT: Just started listening to some Eric Johnson


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Please don't hate me, i never bothered before. But judging by general talk and Cliffs Of Dover (the only song i'd previously heard) i was expecting a classical shredder in league with Yngwie Malmsteen. From what i've listened to so far, it's like jazz with the occasional guitar solo. I haven't listened to much, granted, i just typed Eric Johnson into YouTube


Anyone got songs i should definately listen to, or some "definative" Eric Johnson?

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Cliffs of Dover, Trademark (aptly titled) and East Wes (all from 'Ah Via Musicom') are pretty much the quintessential EJ tracks (IMHO). Covers the jazz/blues/rock territory pretty well.
A REALLY cool one he did years ago was with Stu Hamm on 'The Urge'. The track was called 'Lonestar' and was on the radio (classic rock stations) for a while.
I liked his newest album ('Bloom') better than 'Venus Isle'.

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manhattan is a nice tune.



One of my favorites. The live version of Red House from G3 is great. There is a cool version of him playing Rain live on youtube, last time I checked. Victory is another favorite of mine. His version of My Back Pages is great too.



You really can't go wrong.

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^ Where the pedals are in relation to each other has a huge impact on tone. Didn't you know?


Look at the drawings on the board beneath the wah, and on the left of the Echoplex. This is just a guess, but I'd say that they are so he knows where to move it for different tones. The sharper markings near the tube driver, and on the Echoplex probably also serve the same purpose.

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^ Where the pedals are in relation to each other has a huge impact on tone. Didn't you know?

Look at the drawings on the board beneath the wah, and on the left of the Echoplex. This is just a guess, but I'd say that they are so he knows where to move it for different tones. The sharper markings near the tube driver, and on the Echoplex probably also serve the same purpose.




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