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It would appear that I've had a productive Friday!


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That's some good work man.. Very clean, however, I found some of the font, particularly the white text/green background hard to read. Maybe something to consider

Nonetheless, great work!

Really? What size screen are you viewing it on?

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SO sweet. I know i sound like a dumb {censored}.... but how did you get into graphic design? Would you recommend it as a steady and good career?

Ive been looking into schools/ programs to get into... but id love to hear an HCFX'er's opinion!!!!



I was always good at art and drawing when I was at school, and it was the only thing I really wanted to do. I went to Uni and studied Graphic Design as it combined all the aspects of art that I liked and I could see it as a viable career.


If you get a decent job, then yes it can be steady. You have to work really really hard to get paid much though, because it's a fun job to do and everyone thinks they can do it so they can't see the point of paying an expensive designer. It will take over your life too - I go shopping and if I'm not subconsciously naming the typefaces, I'm criticizing the bad design in major stores. My wife has got used to it now (just).


Feel free to ask any other questions.

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WEll, I loved art all through out high school. I was the kid in AP art cause i thought it was cool. The last few years though.... I havent really done anything in that area. I play music now... thats my creative outlet!!!

i will def try and think or some good questions. Right now im a psych major.... i like parts and dont like parts. the career opps dont really thrill me tho

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