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OT: Sayings you hate

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on the other hand, I miss Sniglets ...




A sniglet is defined as a "word that should be in the dictionary, but isn't". While Rich Hall invented the word "sniglet" itself, sniglets are actually a long-running popular joke in which people make up their own humorous words to describe things or concepts that have no "official" words. Sniglets were popularized during the 1980s, on the HBO comedy series Not Necessarily the News. Comedian and cast member Rich Hall had a regular segment on sniglets during each episode of the monthly series.



ARG (Audio Retinal Gyration): The act of trying to read the label on a LP record while it's playing on a turntable. (Hall 1985a: 93)


Aspitron: The tiny brain in an aspirin that tells it exactly what part of the afflicted body to go to. (Hall 1987:10)


Cheedle: The orange residue left on fingers after eating Cheetos or some other cheesy snack (Hall 1984: 21)


Execuglide: The act of using your wheeled office chair to move from one place to another. (Hall 1985a: 31)


Funch: the act of turning one's pillow over continually in order to keep finding the cool side.


Furnidents: The indentations left in carpet after moving heavy furniture (Hall 1983)


Glackett: The ball inside a can of spray paint (or other aerosol can) for stirring the contents inside the can. (Hall 1984: 38) (This object is known as a "pea" in the paint industry)


Hozone: The place lost socks go during the laundry process. (Hall 1984)[clarify]


Pedidle: A car with one working headlight


Premblememblemation: Whenever you drop a letter in the mailbox, you always re-check to make sure it's gone down. (Hall 1984)


Pyramonster: That thing with one big eye on the back of a dollar bill. [The pyramid on the Great Seal (Hall 1986: 67)


Sniffleridge: The groove running between the nose and the mouth (Hall 1984: 92). (The real name for this structure is the philtrum.)


Somnambapologist: Person too polite to admit he was sleeping even when awakened at three in the morning. (Hall 1985:77)


Toastaphobia: The fear of sticking a fork in a toaster even when it's unplugged. (Hall 1985a: 83)


Essoasso: Person who drives through a gas station to avoid a red light (Unknown episode of Not Necessarily the News)(This was also described as "Diaganerd" in the Sniglet book by Hall)


Bananus: The dark, small bottom end of the banana that remains when peeled. (Hall 198?)


110 At The Equator (won' ten at the ek way' tawr) - n. Any burning sensation experienced directly below the navel when putting on a pair of jeans straight from the dryer.


Accordionated (ah kor' de on ay tid) - adj. Being able to drive and refold a road map at the same time.


Aeroma (ayr oh' ma) - n. The odor emanating from an exercise room after an aerobics workout.


Aeropalmics (ayr o palm' iks) - n. The study of wind resistance conducted by holding a cupped hand out the car window.


Agonosis (ah uh no' sis) - n. The syndrome of tuning into "Wide World of Sports" every Saturday just to watch the skier rack himself.


Airdirt (ayr' dirt) - n. A hanging plant that's been ignored for three weeks or more.


Anaception (an a sep' shun) - n. The body's ability to actually affect television reception by moving about the room.


Animalanche: When you kick your stuffed animals in your sleep and they

fall all over you or the floor. (from Kaffit, age 9)


Anticiparcellate (an ti si par' sel ate) - v. Waiting until the mailman is several houses down the street before picking up the mail, so as not too appear too anxious.


Aquadextrous - adj. Possessing the ability to turn the bathtub faucet on and off with your toes.


Aqualibrium (ak wa lib' re um) - n. The point where the stream of drinking fountain water is at its perfect height, thus relieving the drinker from (a) having to suck the nozzle, or (b) squirting himself in the eye.


Arachnidiot (ar ak ni' di ot) - n. A person, who, having wandered into an "invisible" spider web, begins gyrating and flailing about wildly.


Attrinyl (a try' nil) - n. (chemical symbol: At) A black, bulletproof, totally inflexible type of plastic, used primarily in covers of pay phone directories.


B+ Stampede (bee' plus stam peed) - n. The attempt by half the classroom to claim the paper with no name on it.


Backspackle (bak' spak uhl) - n. Markings on the back of one's shirt from riding a fenderless bicycle.


Baldage (bald' aj) - n. The accumulation of hair in the drain after showering.


Beavo (bee' vo) - n. A pencil with teeth marks all over it.


Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at 3 in the morning and cannot be cast out.


Begathon - n. A multi-day event on public television, used to raise money so you won't have to watch commercials.


Bimp (bimp) - n. A blurry or "double-edged" felt-tip marker


Bixplex (biks' pleks) - n. Psychological block in which a person cannot choose which color of disposable lighter to purchase.


Bleemus (blee' mus) - n. The disgusting film on the top of soups and cocoa that sit out for too long.


Blithwapping - v. Using anything BUT a hammer to hammer a nail into the wall, such as shoes, lamp bases, doorstops, etc.


Blivett (blih' vit) - v. To turn one's pillow over and over, looking for the cool spot.


Blooage (blew' ij) - n. The residue left on fingers after using an S.O.S pad.


Blossor - n. The hair style one has after removing a baseball cap.


Blurfle (bler' ful) - v. To be caught talking at the top of one's lungs when the music at the bar or disco suddenly stops.


Bomca (bahm' ka) - n. A lubricant derived from the salivary gland used for turning book pages.


Bovilexia (bo vil eks' e uh) - n. The uncontrollable urge to lean out the car window and yell "Moo!" every time you pass a cow.


Bowlikinetics (boh lih kih neh' tiks) - n. The act of trying to control a released bowling ball by twisting one's body in the direction one wants it to go.


Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.


Brattled (brat' uld) - adj. The unsettling feeling, at a stoplight, that the busload of kids that just pulled up beside you is making fun of you.

Bursploot (ber' sploot) - v. To position one's thumb at the end of a garden hose to increase the pressure.


Busblender (bus' blend dur) - n. The device at the front of the bus that tosses your fare around for a while, then swallows it.


Cabnicreep (kab' nih kreep) - n. The structural condition in which the closing of one kitchen cabinet causes another to open.


Caffidget (ka fij' it) - v. To break up a Styrofoam coffee cup into several hundred pieces after consuming its contents.


Carbonicles-the tiny drops of soda thrown into the air above your glass

after you pour it


Carcreak - n. Those crackling, tinkling, creaky noises your car makes after you park and turn it off.


Careena (ka reen' uh) - n. Any mangled or missing piece of highway guard rail.


Carperpetuation (kar' pur pet u a shun) - n. The act, when vacuuming, of running over a string at least a dozen times, reaching over and picking it up, examining it, then putting it back down to give the vacuum one more chance.


Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a grub in the fruit you're eating.


Cereoallocative (ser r o al' o ka tuv) - adj. Describes the ability of a seasoned breakfast eater to establish a perfect cereal/banana ratio, assuring there will be at least one slice of banana left for the final spoonful of cereal.


Chalktrauma (chawk' traw ma) - n. The body's reaction to someone running his fingernails down a chalkboard.


Charp (charp) - n. The green, mutant potato chip found in every bag.


Cheedle (chee' dul) - n. The residue left on one's fingertips after consuming a bag of Cheetos.


Cheeriomagnetism - the quality of cereal that causes the last five Cheerios in the bowl to clump together.



Detruncus (de trunk' us) - n. The embarrassing phenomenon of losing one's bathing shorts while diving into a swimming pool.


Digitritus (dij ih tree' tus) - n. Deposits found between the links of a watchband.


Dillrelict (dil rel' ikt) - n. The last pickle in the jar that avoids all attempts to be captured.


Dipwavers (dip' way vurz) - n. People who raise their hands when riding on roller coasters.


Doork (dawrk) - n. A person who always pushes on a door marked "pull" or vice versa.


Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.


Elbonics - n. The actions of two people maneuvering for one armrest in a movie theater.

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ALL office-speak. For example:

touch base


from 30,000 feet

let's take that off-line

circle back

in terms of

etc., etc., etc....

"office speak" reminds me of "Office Space" - one of my favorite all-time movies... :lol:

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How about being called "Chief" or "Big Guy"

Yah - I hate "Chief" - it indicates that the individual talking to you is actually talking down to you.

Not too fond of "big guy" either - since I'm a small guy, it's obvious that "big guy" is used to refer to the fact that, um... I'm a small guy! :p

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I absolutely do NOT hate that picture... but your mileage may vary. :thu:

"Hope this helps..." - now there's a saying that annoys me, because it's so self-evident that the info being posted is indeed meant to help & I know that the people who use that expression are almost always genuinely trying to help (as opposed to trolling) - but still... :rolleyes:

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How about "this is already selling it at cost, man, I can't sell it for less than this"...

...and one week later you're back at the store and you look at it and they lowered the price. Happened recently when I was looking at a new fretless at Guitar Center... but I've heard the phrase many times before and I always knew it was BS.

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I concur with "I could care less".

Also, "Bless you" in response to a sneeze. People where I work are insane with this. They will call it out all the way across a large room if there's no one else around to say it, and fall over each other to be the first to say it after a sneeze. I just don't get it. I'm not terribly concerned with demonic possession, and neither are any of these people I suspect, it's just an annoying habit people have.

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