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OT I Just Bought a SUHR

Aaron SS

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I could post this in EG but i like you guys better :lol:


As the thread title states....I just bought a Suhr Pro Series S3. An interesting note about the finish is that the dealer i bought it from was incredibly awesome in that they ordered 2 guitars for me as i was unsure what finish i wanted (black trans or sky blue burst) They said when the guitars come in they will send me a bunch of pictures so that i can decide what one i want (now THAT'S customer service) The guitars should be complete in 3-4 months and i can't wait Here are 2 pictures of the finishes im deciding between (keep in mind the sky blue burst is shown on quilt when in fact it will be a flame top.






At this point im really hoping I like the blue but its nice to know that I've got the consistency of the black to fall back on.


Hopefully i should be done with buying guitars for a good while now that I've got a custom 7 and a custom 6 in the works. Here's a pic of my custom 7 as I dont believe ive posted it before on here...





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