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I have owed a friend alot of money for a while for an epiphone dot with Dimarzio pickups with coil tapping. I was about to return it because of the lack of money. Ive come into some money but heres the issue, The dot is a great guitar and sounds phenomenal but I get a little crazy on stage and I'm always paranoid that Because of the Semi-hollow body I'm gonna hit it on something and damage it. I was thinking of getting a Squier tele custom with p-90s instead of the dot but I am not sure.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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i'm pretty sure you can damage any guitar if you hit it on something...

if you like the guitar, frickin pay your friend and be careful with it





Plus it really isn't fair to your friend that you essentially rent-to-owned a guitar that you wont end up buying.

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