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Yay ISIS tomorrow night.


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Heat seeps in holes
Heat seeps in souls

Sweat soaked yellow shroud
Breathless protection
Daggers where the eyes should be
Blood running down your cheeks

Eyes in black suns direction
Feet burning insects stinging

Sweat soaked yellow shroud
Breathless protection
Daggers where the eyes should be
Blood running down your cheeks

The point

The ocean spreads beneath the skin
Fluid fills blackened lungs
Tar seeps across the eyes
Away in the sea of red

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Saying "there would be no Isis without Tool" is quite possibly one of the dumbest things I've heard... Ever.


I've seen Isis live as far back as when they toured for the Mosquito Control EP with Cave in (while touring for Creative Eclipses). We used to make fun of em for being a Neurosis worship band. Then Celestial came out and completely blew my mind and I haven't looked at music the same since.

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Saying "there would be no Isis without Tool" is quite possibly one of the dumbest things I've heard... Ever.



This, ISIS really don't sound like Tool at all, even their newer stuff. But ISIS owe nothing to Tool, in terms of their existence.


2 hours then I'm leaving!

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I beg to differ. Aaron Harris especially with the last two albums has some Danny Carey stuff going on - not as technical of course.


As others said; Yes, Isis has a lot of Neurosis influence.


On a tipping scale, Isis would have more Neurosis influence than Tool.

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The Isis singer whom I don't even care to learn his name is very very far from being as dynamic of a singer as Maynard. The Isis singer almost sucks, but I can't say that cause (the Isis singer) sings better than me!



and I almost fell asleep last time I saw Isis.

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I dunno, I enjoy some stuff off Lateralus and Aenima, but I have trouble getting over how lame Tool's lyrics/general attitude is to me. Plus I hated their last album



Whats lame about it? Its of more substance than a lot of stuff.


Of course then there comes a bandwagon of those praising the lyrics.


Tool's lyrical content (what some of the metaphors, etc. referenced) turned me on to/helped me find out about a lot of things that interested me.

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if I gave a {censored} about words I'd get into poetry. Nerosis, ISIS and TOOL are all incredible bands, no need for arguments, fun though.
I really don't understand the TOOL hate, not taking to what they do is understandable. but if you call yourself a musician and you can't at least respect what they do, as musicians, then you are a fraud.

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I think there's a lot of Tool hate because a lot of people hate Tool fans. Well, they hate the stereotype of a Tool fan anyway. I like Tool. But some fans take it a little too far, and develop this elitist attitude. Eg, if you don't like Tool, you just don't get it, and you're somehow a knuckle-dragging, brainwashed, conformist consumer. When it comes to music, there are plenty of bands with fans that have a holier-than-thou attitude, but I think this is how a lot of people see Tool fans, fairly or unfairly. Obviously, I don't think all, or even the majority of Tool fans are like this, but I've seen my fair share.

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I think there's a lot of Tool hate because a lot of people hate Tool fans. Well, they hate the stereotype of a Tool fan anyway. I like Tool. But some fans take it a little too far, and develop this elitist attitude. Eg, if you don't like Tool, you just don't get it, and you're somehow a knuckle-dragging, brainwashed, conformist consumer. When it comes to music, there are plenty of bands with fans that have a holier-than-thou attitude, but I think this is how a lot of people see Tool fans, fairly or unfairly. Obviously, I don't think all, or even the majority of Tool fans are like this, but I've seen my fair share.



HAha yes, well said.

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It was a good show. All 3 of them are using those Aluminium Electrical Guitars now, the tone was pretty {censored}ing good I have to say through those VHTs. The set was a bit heavy on the new stuff but I guess they are touring to support Wavering Radiant. Even so it all sounded really good. They encored with Altered Course which was fantastic, got a couple of nice t-shirts too.

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