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Fantom G demos

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Guest Anonymous
I have one of the best ears when it comes to music.


Well {censored} homie u got Phils thumbs up.


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Well {censored} homie u got Phils thumbs up.


Could you just spell out what the hell you are trying to say?
I mean I'm all for pussyfooting when one is in your situation, but really....I don't follow your post. Were you intentionally not trying to make sense?

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I am curious why so many people seem to judge the entire quality of a rompler or workstation synth by it's piano sounds alone.

Now I can understand that people need a good piano sound as well as other sounds, but I would think If you are really that concerned about mainly the piano sound you would purchase a keyboard that was dedicated to a piano sound so that you could have the best and not one that can make 1500+ other sounds out of the box and an infinite number more with programming.

I personally only use a piano sound very rarely, as I am more of an electronic synth sound kind of person. When I do use one, the piano's in all the major workstations sound good enough to me (guess I don't have the best ears to judge with) as I can play it and anybody that is not a synth expert or keyboardist can instantly recognize that it is indeeed a piano sound. Now if it sounded like a Cello or a French horn that might be a problem. The piano sound is just not my main focus when looking for a do all workstation.

I suppose if you we a pianist putting on shows or recordings for a room full of professionally trained pianists that were judging your performance based on the quality of your piano sound that would probably be pretty important, but I just don't see it since I think most would try to use an actual piano for that scenario.

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Guest Anonymous
I mean I'm all for pussyfooting when one is in your situation, but really....

And what is my situation?

BTW. Trust me, when I tell you...

...I'm not pussyfooting around.


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Are you sure about that? Doesn't the site owner (Artemiy) work for Roland?

AFAIK he demoed the G at Musik Messe, but isn't an official employee of Roland Ukraine. He is, however, probably the most hardcore Fantom guru on the planet, and that's a term of endearment.


If anything, he's a Roland endorsee.

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synthetica -- it appears from your signature that you got a G6; what do you think of it?



I am actually very impressed with the G6, the screen, the keybed, the sound are all exceptional to me and the work flow seems to be very easy. I mainly am only using it in Live mode at this point so I can't say to much yet about sequencer integration etc. There are still a couple of issues with the OS that need to be worked out. Roland support has said that those are already in progress for an update. If you don't mind being an early adopter I would say go for it, but if you need everything perfect out of the box, then I would say wait a bit. I only previously owned a Fantom XR rack , and hadn't had a Roland keyboard since the XP-30 a few years back so I can't say whether I would upgrade if I had one of the Fantom X's. But if you need a new Workstation and like the Roland sonic character then I would say get one. I initally got the G6 thinking I would compare it to my Korg M3 and then decide which one to keep, but I like so much about both of them that for now I have decided to keep them both. A bit excessive maybe but works for me. Let me know if you have any questions about the G6 that I can maybe anser.

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I initally
got the G6
thinking I would compare it to my
Korg M3
and then decide which one to keep, but I like so much about both of them that for now I have decided to
keep them both

What ever happened to brand loyalty??? :lol:

Seriously, good on ya! :thu:

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What ever happened to brand loyalty???

Seriously, good on ya!

I guess I am more about function and feature then brand names. This also seems to be evident in my non musical purchases as well, since there are 3 cars at my house all from different manufacturers. Laptop and desktops, different brands, TV's in multiple rooms, different brands. Now if the manufacturers wanted to give me the gear I use, then I guess I could be persuaded to be a bit more brand loyal. :)

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