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Help me not be socially awkward.


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Dude seriously all you have to do is compliment her and let her talk about her self, chicks love talking about their self, and their crap ( jewelry, cloths)

once you get that ball rolling start building momentum on the "REAL" conversation, like whats each others story where she is from, where you are from.

If you are ballsy enough to just speak to a pretty girl, thats all you need I promise

there is some truth to that

some other tips if you are dead set on meeting girls this semester

1.) try and find the ones that are alone, they wont be as quick to judge you as a bunch of girls in a {censored} posse
2.) dont go to fast, even just for casual conversation
3.) laughter is always good. unless its at you. in which case abort.
4.) silence is NOT {censored}ING GOLDEN
5.) be yourself
6.) d:on't be Nirvana728

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Wow apparently I hit 7000 posts, and did not celebrate it... honestly that makes me feel like I should put the computer down and go find a lady friend to talk to. mehhh...

Oh, and being comfortable with the way you look also ='s confidence... if you compared me in high school to me now you'd laugh, it takes a conscious effort but it's well worth it in the end. A girl being attracted to you in the first place is the best icebreaker of all time, there is no better.



Gratz on the 7K. Maybe you can work up the confidence to leave your stoop soon.

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-Don't be yourself, be cool. :cool:
-Bitches don't like being called bitches to their face, so refrain from that unless she's kinky.
-Girls like bad boys; start a fight with your professor.
-Learn how to play "Love Drunk" by Boys Like Girls and then sing it on a campus park. It's like throwing meat into a lion's den.
-Have a friend who has no shame so he can take out the girl's DUFF so you can double date. (TRAVIS?)
-Make a paper airplane with a "Do You Like Me?" survey inside, make all the boxes say "Yes" and then fly it to her.
-Get an iTouch and ask her to do co-op on TapTap.
-Tell her you're in a band.

Seriously though, I used to be the same way until the start of last year. I transferred to a high school where I knew about 10 people and now about half of the school not only knows me but likes me. You have to start conversations with people; it's hard and seems so awkward, but just pretend you're talking to the person you're closest to and the new person will open up. Don't ask for names up front (except on some occasions when you're feeling bold and the person seems laid back); ask for peoples' names after you start a conversation with him or her. Complimenting people on something is one of the easiest ways to A) start a conversation with someone and B) automatically get them to like you.

You just gotta loosen up bro. Be yourself and if it clicks, it clicks, if it doesn't, que sera sera.

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First semester in college worked backwards from what I thought it was gong to. I'm down to like 6 or 7 friends. I don't even like some of them. How do I meet some new people? There is a girl in my pre-calc class I want to get to know but everyway I think about talking it makes me feel creepy.

Also, should I get the DLS or not?



The DLS will win you more friends than you can handle.

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Horrible habit but smoking isn't a bad way to talk to girls on campus. Girls never have cigarettes and if your campus is anything like mine, smokers tend to congregate in like 3 places. If you give someone a cigarette it's pretty much an unspoken rule that they owe you a conversation.

food for thought. :D

really, don't start smoking. but it does kind of work.

all this is out the window if you don't like chicks who smoke.

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Horrible habit but smoking isn't a bad way to talk to girls on campus. Girls never have cigarettes and if your campus is anything like mine, smokers tend to congregate in like 3 places. If you give someone a cigarette it's pretty much an unspoken rule that they owe you a conversation.

food for thought.

really, don't start smoking. but it does kind of work.

all this is out the window if you don't like chicks who smoke.

Out the window.

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Now I am going to tell you what's great about stalking girls.


I know a little about stalking girls. I've had license plates run, I've set up (metaphorical) shrines, I've basically done all the creepy crap you think of when you think of stalkers save for binoculars and shrubbery. And I'll tell you something - I love it.


You know that first week or two when you first start going out, when you're so in 'love' with a person, thoughts of them consume your every moment? When you think about them so much you forget their name? Yeah, I've had that before, and with a girl named Dresden. That got a little weird when I forgot her name... uh... german city... ham..bur...ger? But anyway, what I'm trying to get at is that the first week or two of dating someone is the greatest part.


Here's the thing... when you stalk a girl, that never ends. Stalking is great, it's completely unrequited love, which is great because they haven't done anything to piss you off yet.


So my advice to OP is to keep being the socially awkward nice guy. You know what they say: Nice guys finish last, and most of the time, they'll tell you before they do.

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