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Who owns your bands PA?


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we all split it.

a nice drum kit, with pro cymbals and hardware, case, etc. can EASILY cost what a good guitar or bass setup costs. the rationale in that thread is WACK.

honestly, if your band has a true front man/woman (that doesn't play an instrument) i can see it being reasonable to request that they buy it.

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It's nice to have a PA for practice to simulate stage conditions. Everyone has their own monitor and you can keep overall practice volumes down to save your ears.

Plus, if you tour and are playing any venues for the first time, it's basically a must. You never know what kind of thrown together (or non-existent, for that matter) PA you'll run into on the road and it's nice to have a backup just in case.

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my previous band used all of our price money from various battle of teh bands to buy a PA, when we split over the summer, everyone was gracious enough to give me the PA! so its mine now which is sweet... use it for practicing with the new project im working on/starting. run mics, keys, and synth through it. its helps alot, but i wish i had another moinitor.. only have 2 right now.

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