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Any point in running a boost into a boost? (pickup booster & Fat Boost 3)


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I have a seymore duncan pickup booster that I like a lot but I was thinking of getting the Fulltone Fat Boost 3 to add a little "fatness" (lol) to my tone (as described by the video on the pedal). I also like the bass and treble pots on the Fat boost 3 for some early eqing.


Basically the Fat Boost would be on all the time and the duncan would still mainly be used to drive the front of my LC30.

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I'd say try it because I think the SD is different?.... If You're running stuff before the boost, then run the SD before those, I cant rememebr who told me that.


If it was "Should I run a TS into another TS?" I'd say no.


Try it... personally I would just not bother haha. IMO there isn't a point but if you feel there is then you should try it.

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I'd say try it because I think the SD is different?.... If You're running stuff before the boost, then run the SD before those, I cant rememebr who told me that.

If it was "Should I run a TS into another TS?" I'd say no.

Try it... personally I would just not bother haha. IMO there isn't a point but if you feel there is then you should try it.



Yeah I think I am going to.

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