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Effects for coverbands.

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So last friday I went out to see a band. They were a cover band covering everything from country to classic rock. The band actually was quite good but I noticed somthing. After a while the guitars just started to sound repitive and not overly colorful. The lead guitarist had just one celan tone and one dirty tone no delay or any modulation of any kind. The rythem guitar player just played clean no effects. Which was quite interesting to me because If I am going to throw down the on the song sweet child of mine I'm going to a high gain tone with a touch of reverb, But two songs later I might be playing marguerittaville and I would think some clean tone with chorus and delay is called for. Now the lead guitar player of that band also had a very trained style. So there wasn't alot of variation in what he was doing so that could be part of it. With that being said.


1. Anyone ever run into this?


2. Do you setup your board differantly when it comes to being in a cover band compared to a original band? If so How much differant is your board? Now Im not saying you need to have the exact tone of every guitarist who played for the bands your covering. BUt I think being able to play around witht he effects is a great art form for a cover band guitarist and wondering what peoples thoughts are on it.

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my old band did cover gigs and original gigs


i did change my board to whichever gig we were doing.


i think you need to adapt your own sound to the song and make it an original cover, but also at the same time, use the right effects at the right time etc.


when we did cover gigs i had a lot of pedals on my board, which was a good thing because i had every sound covered, yet sometimes a nightmare becasue i had so many pedals to switch and what not.


i think you've got get a list of all the songs your playing, listen carefully to them and then work out with your own pedals trying to get the right sound.

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m9 is the current "hot" multieffects unit that is modeled after a LOT of well known stompboxes on the market


i say m9, as a good multifx unit is a good idea for someone in a cover band that has wide ranging tastes.


see: bobby d 's you tube gallery of him playing various covers live.


Crxsh and BTBAM both have extensive you tube libraries of sounds you can get out of a M9


very good unit


but i digress.....

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Hahahahahaha I'm incredibly guilty of trying to cop way too many tones when I played in a cover band.

My cover band board:


One of my current boards for an original band:


Notice the difference?



once your klon arrives, you need to squeeze a ps3 or phase 90 on there for some mod effects. just sayin'


otherwise i love your new smaller setup!!!

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I saw a cover band just a trio with a singer. The guitarist only had a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe w/footswitch and an MXR Micro Amp pedal. Just choose your songs wisely and you'll be ok. Or go the multi effects route.



Well I feel i am set for pedals wheni t comes to getting the sounds I want for differant things. I personally am not a huge fan of multi effects pedals. The ones I have used sound kinda thin to me. Plus I like the idea of having nobs to turn. So I currently really like my setup.


I was mainly posting to see what other peoples philosphys are on the topic of what I originally posted. I know alot of purists who say you need an amp and guitar and thats it. But I dont see how that works in a cover band situtaion. Unless ofcourse you have a line 6, Roland, or cyber twin.

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Well I feel i am set for pedals wheni t comes to getting the sounds I want for differant things. I personally am not a huge fan of multi effects pedals. The ones I have used sound kinda thin to me. Plus I like the idea of having nobs to turn. So I currently really like my setup.

I was mainly posting to see what other peoples philosphys are on the topic of what I originally posted. I know alot of purists who say you need an amp and guitar and thats it. But I dont see how that works in a cover band situtaion. Unless ofcourse you have a line 6, Roland, or cyber twin.



Dude, you should seriously check out the M9 or M13 before saying you don't dig multi-effects. The effects don't sound thin at all, and you do get knobs for each effect on there. It's like owning a bunch of stompboxes thrown into one giant stompbox. It's really not like a traditional multi-effect at all.

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Oh yeah. I just played my last gig this past weekend with a cover band Ive been jamming with for about a year. I was definitely one of the more "do what you can to get the tone from the records" kind of guitarist when I was playing for them, and it was fun. Got pretty close for the majority of it, and it kept me on my toes.


Original band though, completely different rig/routing/playing. Thank god, to be honest. haha.

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