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For all of you who have seen ReacTable on t00b...

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you know, that pisses me off too. i'm sick of every new fangled, bleepty bloopity thing being an exercise in doing very little and calling it art or music.



I think the new gadgetry is a cool example of technology but I agree...a lot of the demos dont sound very compelling. Someone could drag a mouse over a piano grid, quantize to 16th notes and a scale and achieve similar results.


They do look like neat tools to generate ideas though...too bad so many of them cost an arm and a leg.

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well they do say the interfaces will be the next revolution, and from what ive seen im impressed. but what happens when the novelty wears off? that'll determine where the line between form and function is drawn.


once people stop making these and posting vids, someone will come along, actually write a piece for it and have some hot chicks or blueman styled people perform it, film it and become rich over night as the next viral video sensation. :thu:

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All very cool, but in some way perhaps a step backwards - actaually way way way backwards.


Imagine if we were still using arpegiators that were programmed with patch leads? - once past the cool UI concepts, then this is basically what it is.


I am kind of curious how they see folks saving and then later restoring a pattern so that you can edit it.

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i agree... once you get past the novelty, it's a lot of f'in work to compose anything.


i guess that's my disappointment. nothing new is happening on the electronic front (or anything one could argue) except that its being driven by novelty approaches.


i suppose, i should be happy at least something is going on that is trying to push the envelope.

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Actually, I think it looks awfully cool. Depending on the price (is it actually for sale), I'd want one much more than I'd want one of those yamaha blinky toys (forgetting the name of them). This reminds me a bit of a cool piece of free software for the mac called Nodal. It's usefulness would be determined (for me) by how many options you have on those little pieces that reflect the cursor - can you do probabilities, etc, etc, or is everything just really simple. I'd like to read more about it.

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Well, even though these things like this are out of our reach, they shouldn't be put off as 'not for us'. I'm very happy to see stuff like this come out. It allows us as humans to push the envelope and explore different worlds and to inspire others by this product to make something else and keep pushing it.


On the flip side we have the big 3 pushing out romplers with a few upgrades each time. I hate playing the big 3 game. Ooo the Motif sounds the best and nothing is better right now... People need to buy a good sampling setup and libraries and funk the romplers, so we can move ahead by letting companies know we don't want the same old crap. Oh yeah, with the exception of the Tenori On. That's awesome (at least for visuals), I don't care you say.


So this is definitely nice to see.

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