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who here has a keytar? the icon of the 80's!

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i put make shift straplocks on my vsynth once

'bout threw my back out




i thought of this briefly, holding the case with your left hand, and playing the touch pad with your finger would probably work out pretty well....but then after further inspection, the main outs are right there....so there goes that idea

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I am just wondering why WHY WHY they can't release an AX-8 or so... Or at least a new run of AX-7 ??..

Costs of development would be close to zero, and the market would be there for sure, not huge, but surely not neglectible.


Damn... it's nothing more than a good master keyboard with a grip after all...



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A Lync LN-1. Designed by him and later manufactured by Lync.




I think he's most famous for using the Lync LN-4 (control 4 modules from one keytar). It's very cool (for a keytar), and I had to have one.


His signature model was blue. Mine is red


They ain't cheap or common, that's for sure.


I also have the Yamaha KX-5 with a BC and the cool case. It came from some guy in Japan.

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