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Need a Delay

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You guys are delay fanatics, so I'll ask you.


I used to have a Malekko Ekko 616 which was sweet. The oscillation was amazing. However, I didn't like the t/b switch. I felt like with the switch on it added treble, and with the switch off it added bass.


Basically, I want a delay with similar oscillation to the Malekko, but with just straight true bypass. Prefer its price be in the $150 range, it be analog and around 600 ms.


Any suggestions or should I just buy another Malekko? I'll consider suggestions outside my price range too. I just need ideas.

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Carbon Copy is another good one. To me it seems more.... even than the 616.



I almost forgot about the Carbon Copy. Is the oscillation solid though? I had a Deluxe Memory Boy and if I turned the speed knob towards an extreme, it would make a bit of noise, and the oscillation would stop. The 616 would bring the oscillation back when I did that. That's what I loved about the pedal. Basically, I want the regen knob to be the only knob that can turn the oscillation on and off.

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The Carbon Copy oscillates well and has a good amount of headroom. Sadly, it's just way dark. Too dark.



Honestly I barely hear the tonal differentiations in delays; it's always functionality that gets me, but I'll be sure to test it before I buy it. Good thing GC carries MXR

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The oscilation on the CC seems solid to me. I have a lot of fun twisting the knobs on that one. As far as it being too dark... I have no comment. It has never seemd too dark to me but then I play an AC30. Pretty bright amp. Nothing else I've played it through seemed too dark though. :idk:


Actually as of a few days ago I put the CC back on my board. I have a VMSD but you gotta love analog delays. :thu:

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I know this way out your price range if your looking to spend 150.00 I just posted a pic of my board under pedal boards but this pedal is the best delay pedal I have ran across, its 2 delay pedals in one box and your able to adjust the tone. I just got it today so I am still learning. IMO alot better than the Memory Lane II which I owned for 150.00 less.

Had to give my ears a break but thought I would share. I am happy with it

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I know this way out your price range if your looking to spend 150.00 I just posted a pic of my board under pedal boards but this pedal is the best delay pedal I have ran across, its 2 delay pedals in one box and your able to adjust the tone. I just got it today so I am still learning. IMO alot better than the Memory Lane II which I owned for 150.00 less.

Had to give my ears a break but thought I would share. I am happy with it


Hmm that seems pretty cool, but I just need a basic delay. I don't want to pay more for extra features I probably won't use. All I need are mix, regen, and speed knobs, and I'm fine.

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