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Hot Cake soul mate?


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So I am really getting my hot cake to sound good on its own, but it is just at high gain with the presence up really high. I am rocking the lunar module with it for some sick lead tones but I am having trouble getting some good low gain overdrive tones. I set my am pretty clean but not too far from some drive. I just bought a diamond compressor that I am going to try and use to boost my amp just enough for some low-gain tones.


Yea cool story bro, but I was wondering what you guys like to pair with your hot cake. I am rocking an AC30 with an Epiphone Sheraton atm.

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Are you looking to add another pedal then? Like a lower gain pedal, and use the Hotcake more as a higher gain pedal? I like my SHOD and LGW with my AC15 a lot. I run the amp fairly close to dirty, this way the SHOD is more effective. WIth the amp clean, the SHOD sounds less like a gain pedal and more as a dirty booster, but with a little grit from the amp, it can sound pretty damn fine. The LGW is great too, more compression, and a lot more drive too. In fact I'm going to sell my Mighty Red Distortion because it has a different character from the LGW for sure, but not really any more gain, and I've decided I don't need that much gain anymore - or I'll go fuzz instead. So yeah, SHOD for lower gain, LGW for medium/higher gain. Works for me.

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