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OK Guys I Need Another Fuzz Pedal, And I Know You Know Your Fuzz


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I am looking for something unique.... not another fuzzface clone or something like that, something truly different that can still cut through the mix and sound very musical.


I am getting a crowther prunes and custard but want something else to go with it.


There is simply way too many out there, I was hoping you could point me in the right direction.


I play through a hiwatt custom 50 and p-90s


I liked my fuzz factory and how it had a gate in it but found it could never cut through the mix in a live setting.

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I'm digging the dazzler samples on the site, but holy {censored} does that pedal have some piss poor demos of it on youtube....you would think the first thing a pedal company would do is make a good youtube video demonstrating what the pedal can do.

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You couldn't cut through the mix with a Fuzz Factory?

Have you considered the WMD Geiger Counter rather than a standard fuzz? I think it might interest you, it is unique, has limitless sounds, contains bitcrushing/preamp/wave tables and can go from a weird harmonic boost to an exploding star core. Aside from that the Harmony Synth or Boba Fret's PLL clone (which he will hopefully release soon) would work.

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i've run into the same problem with both times i've had the Fuzz Factory on my board. Also disappear with:

Dunlop JH Octavio

Big Muffs (unless you're cranked, and then you'll be {censored} outta luck if you expect to have a guitar that's easy to tame)

and many others i cannot recall the names of.


I'm having GREAT STELLAR OMG SO HAPPY results with the EQD Tone Reaper, one of the most musical and fun fuzz pedals ive played. Unfortunately, i had the Fulltone Soulbender (prob my favorite fuzz ever) before i was playing in bands. But the tone reaper, with volume + gain at a touch past 1oo and the tone at about 11oo definitely cuts through the mix with just the right amount of wildness. Just played a gig where my Keeley BD2 was the main dirt, and for each solo was the tone reaper... punched thru the mix and really made the guitar come alive. So happy with this pedal!


Another pedal that really punches thru is the Way Huge Swollen Pickle. I could also hear the same characteristics in the EQD Hoof, but Muff styled fuzzes aren't my taste at all. I think the only Muff i've liked is the Black Russian muff and the one i used briefly was a friends, who said it was modded by some acquaintance of his


The skinpimp pedals look real cool but they're so hard to get a hold of, as are the D*A*M pedals that i've been lusting after. Hopefully i run into some cash or management offers to buy me a present soon, cuz the reissue JMI pedals that are to be released look fantastic but the price tags they command mean that i'd have to get rich quick or ask for one from somebody else lol. Tonebenders have been my #1 favorite fuzz flavor, and it'd be a privilege to own a museum piece such as a JMI/D*A*M Buzz-a-Round or the JMI MKIII reish, but as of right now, the ToneReaper is really filling my tonebelly.

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