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EQD Ghost Disaster dwell knob (broken?)


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I sent EQD a mail about this about a month and a half ago, never got a reply and forgot about it, so I thought I'd ask here:


I bought a Ghost Disaster, as I got it the reverb LED had fallen into the pedal. I read on their website that this is a problem they've been having caused by the depth knob breaking, however my depth knob seems fine.


My dwell knob on the other hand does pretty much nothing at all. Is the dwell knob supposed to give extremely subtle changes, or do you think mine might be broken?

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This is from the EQD website:


Ghost Disaster issue:

A lot of ghost disasters are showing up broken. It's a big bummer all around. At first we thought they must have dropped, hard, during shipping. Turns out we got a bad batch of pots that we use for the depth control. They will break with minimal pressure. When they break, it causes the circuit board to lift up and the LED to fall into the pedal. Some of them got away with slight bending and can be put back in with no real issues, others have snapped off completely. This causes all sorts of issues. We have repaired the remaining stock and tonefactor and a few that people have purchased but about 1/2 are either working fine or unaccounted for. If you receive one that is broken please contact us and we will repair it and have it back to you right away. Again, very sorry about this!

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Someone sent me an email about this thread. Sorry, I thought I got back to every ghost disaster owner. We've been slammed since November so I haven't been as quick with email as I would like. We'll fix it for you no problem, send me another email. The dwell control is kinda subtle if you don't know what to look for. It affects the trails on the reverb. If you turn it all the way, mute your strings and give them a "chop" then slowly turn it down, you'll see how the decay time decreases. When playing a more fluid line, it let's the reverb become more washy.

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Thanks for the replies everyone! :)


I do definitely hear a difference when turning the dwell knob, especially with the depth turned all the way up. This is the part that makes me think it's not broken.


The part that does make me think something's not working as it should be is that the difference I'm hearing is nowhere near as big as what I expected (especially when backing off a bit on the depth). Having it full on does not make the reverb as long as what I thought it would after reading about the pedal, and backing off all the way does not make it as short as I would normally expect reverb pedals to go.


Do you think it's even possible that something is wrong in this case, since I do hear that the decay changes?


If it would help, I can record it. Can someone recommend a simple way to share a sound file that does not require me registering somewhere?

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