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Thought some of you builders, geeks might enjoy this:


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Very cool! :thu:

You can do the same with an ordinary pencil. Graphite is conductive, though it has a bit of resistance. When I was 8 years old I used to play a game with my brother. My dad had a battery tester that had a built-in continuity tester with a little neon bulb. My brother and I would take turns drawing wire mazes on a piece of paper, and then tape one of the continuity tester probes to the paper over one of the lines on the maze. We'd challenge the other to trace their way through the maze using the other probe without lifting the probe from the paper or lighting the neon bulb.

I made a crystal radio once by drawing the circuit on a piece of paper and taping the parts onto it. I think I was 10 years old. :D

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