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No Fixed IP


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Sure - fixed IP address aren't the only way to determine if you're dealing with an alt / beback; they're just one of the tools in the toolbox.


You can try to use a proxy, but many sites block the known proxies, and many site admins have a "ban on sight" policy if they see anything suspicious and find out the use of a proxy is associated with an account.


If you're really determined to get back on some site, join AOL. Their users use shared IP addys, so you can't block one without blocking a bunch of legit people too. That is, until the site admin gets ticked off enough at you that they contact AOL with a TOS violation report and try to get you tossed off AOL... plus, there's the whole "moderator's revenge" aspect of the troll being forced to use AOL to begin with. :lol:


Of course, it also depends on the site and who's tracking / backtracing you. If you used to work for the NSA and you're wondering if they'll know it's you if you log back in, the answer is yes - absolutely. No matter how clever or sneaky you try to be about it, they're probably going to know. :lol:

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Did Phil just explain how to successfully have an ALT?


No - I just told you one of the zillions of things I have to deal with regularly. Believe me, for hard-core trolls and hackers, that's kid's stuff. So what I did was to tell you a few things that will not work, and one that will work, but only briefly, and only if you're willing to sign up for AOL. And that's a pretty big price to have to pay. I wouldn't wish AOhell on my worst enemy. ;):D

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