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The general consensus on the Japanese models is that the pickups are the weak spot.


Yep. Not a fan personally, but some people like them :idk:. They sound kind of like strat pickups (and if I'm not mistaken, they're wound like them?)

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My personal experience is that they're sort of hit or miss. Out of 6 of seven I played or owned, I've never played a truely bad one, but there were definatelly very noticable differences. Neck profiles, weight, cosmetic details, pickups, overal feel/resonance and other vague crap I can't really explain...


The one I've got now is my main axe, love it to death. It's the mij version with the block inlays and faux neck binding, but that's a whole other story.


The pickups soud nothing like real jazzmaster pickups, so if you're after a true jm sound, either get a AV reissue (stunning pu's, pricey guitar) or swap the electronics in the japanese jm with better ones. Curtis Novak and Lollar seem to be popular, but I've heard great things about Seymour Duncan and other brands as well. I think the Fender pu's are among the cheapest though, and mike I said, I personally think they're great.


Anyway, I still can't bring myself to throw out the stock 'stratomaster' pickups. It sorta feels like playing a jazzmaster/stratocaster hybrid to me. A georgious looking guitar with great playability, and a twangy jangly vibe that's typical fendeer-y, but impo leans mpst towards funky strat tones. I know they're generally regarded as crap, but they somehow really work for me.


You probably already know that the bridge is pure sh*t. Purists will disagree and tell ya the jazzmaster should only be used to play jazz, with flat wounds. I say: Replace the stock bridge with a Mustang bridge (or just the saddles), and don't bother with buzz stop gadgets. There's other tricks to fix the issue of the strings popping out (teflon tape, filing out the saddles, graphtech, ma$$$tery bridge,...), but in my personal experience, the mustang saddles work the best (they're not perfect though) in terms of bangforthebuck, looks, efficiency,...


Another thing I did to mine, and I know it's a silly dumb detail: I very lightly sanded the pu covers and put 'em in coffee for a night. Looked ridicoulsy shiny and white stock, unlike the stock covers on the AV reissue I used to have.


Also, if you compare to the AV reissue, aside from the extra $ for 'real' jm electronics, keep in mind a jazzmaster case (instead of the meh gigbag) isn't cheap either...

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