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Good fuzz or crunch stomps?


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Holy hell christianatl! I can't even believe that.



Otherwise, DigiBox56, look for a used Black Arts Tonesworks, Pharaoh. You might find one for $100 if you're lucky. You won't get anything better for that price.


You know how to Google I assume.


Sorry I just said that because of my {censored}ing job.

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Try swinging a dead cat. Seriously, ya gotta narrow it down a bit- there's about 150,000 pedals that fit this criteria.

BONUS- learn to solder, and you can build 150,000 more!



But Beyer, this is where everybody posts their favorite fuzz pedal. Geez, party pooper.

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You'd do better to pick a couple things at random than agonize over your choices.

If someone handed me $100 bucks and asked me to get a fuzz pedal and overdrive pedal, I'd get a used big muff with wicker basket and an OD-3 and maybe a burrito depending on how good a deal I got.

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I really like my Boss FZ-2 - I got mine for around $80. I think someone is selling a Zoom Ultra Fuzz in the weekly spam sticky thread (supposedly very Fuzz Factory-like - I have no idea). If you're handy with a soldering iron, BYOC has a few that look interesting.

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You guys are bunch kids/childish f* playing around the internet. I didn't said that I'll use all $100 dollars dumb f*, you didn't helped at all. You get high post count because of spamming random threads, that the moderators doesn't even give a single f* about.


Anyways, I like to play some Jimi Hendrix songs and alike so I liked to get fuzz pedal that's maybe cheap. I thought someone could recommend me a good one. Cheers to those who bothered helping rather act like idiotic fools.

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You guys are bunch kids/childish f* playing around the internet. I didn't said that I'll use all $100 dollars dumb f*, you didn't helped at all. You get high post count because of spamming random threads, that the moderators doesn't even give a single f* about.

Anyways, I like to play some Jimi Hendrix songs and alike so I liked to get fuzz pedal that's maybe cheap. I thought someone could recommend me a good one. Cheers to those who bothered helping rather act like idiotic fools.



I don't feel like anyone said anything to prompt this hostility. For the most part, I feel like people were helpful. For future reference, if you say you have a budget of $100, most people will assume you're ok with spending the entire $100. If you like Hendrix, I would still recommend a Big Muff, or a Silicon Fuzz Face. These can both be had new for well under $100. Best of luck in your search.

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You'd do better to pick a couple things at random than agonize over your choices.

If someone handed me $100 bucks and asked me to get a fuzz pedal and overdrive pedal, I'd get a used big muff with wicker basket and an OD-3 and maybe a burrito depending on how good a deal I got.


Did I say that I'll used all of $100? What I meant is that's as high I can spend.

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