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poppa needs a couple rack mount delays with true stereo

Mike LX-R

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I'm eventually going to run both amps into a couple rack delays through their loops. One in the left and the other in the right of the rack units. One for short delays and the other for long delays. Nothing crazy, just great straight up delay. I need the signal path to remain true and independent stereo.


What are my best choices? ... somewhere around $200 each (used most likely)

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I would go with a PCM-42 for the long delay and a Chandler Digital Delay (which sounds almost as good as my TTE) for the short delay.


The PCM-42 is a little out of your budget but it's a classic unit.


Here is the Chandler - mine is the black one I'm not sure if there is a difference:





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Look around for a Yamaha Rev 100 oe Rev 500. They fit the bill in your price range. I would LOVE a PCM42, but you won't find one for $200.



Yeah something like that Yamaha is what I'm looking for. Just need clean quality repeats.

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