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OT: How is your hearing ?


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...and how do you protect it ?


I just had custom "musicians" earplugs made for me, these are silicon made plugs

which are custom made for each ear, and feature a very small diameter

hole in them which runs between the outer side of the plug to the inner,

so the overall level is reduced but you can still hear some high frequencies.




Also, I always had the impression that my left ear is a bit muffled compared to my right ear,

which feels more "open"... (I can hear high frequencies better on the right ear)


How do you take care of your ears ? do you get them cleaned periodically by a doctor ?

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I get ringing in my ears periodically, especially a day after using headphones. Otherwise I think it's ok.


I remember someone around here saying they had their ears cleaned with water being shot straight into the ear canal. I've heard that doesn't feel good.

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I'm slowly realizing that I've got some hearing loss. My wife bought a digital thermometer that emits a very low "beep" sound when it's registered your body temperature. When I was sick last week, I was lying in bed with it in my mouth for what seemed like forever. The wife finally rolled over and asked "When are you gonna take that out? It beeped a long time ago!" I never heard a thing. Damn it sucks getting old.

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I have worked in the construction industry off and on for the past 14 years, and have been subjected to some of the most horrific sounds known to man at volumes that could be used as torture in Guantanamo. I try and protect my hearing as best I can, but have you ever tried wearing ear muffs for longer than an hour? Those little spongey ear buds work well when I can be bothered, most guys I work with don't wear anything so as to not look soft, they gotta keep up the classic tough guy persona. They are usually stone deaf by retirement age as a result. I use an ipod a lot on site as well, which will supposedly {censored} up your hearing. My hearing is ok considering the hell I've put it through.


Anyone ever done that tube with a flame at the end of it ear cleaning technique? I've heard of people having dead flies and other odd objects come out their ear canals when cleaned with this method, not to mention 30+ years of wax build up.

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Normal ears clean themselves, thats what the wax is for.

Headphones are the biggest enemy of the ears- don't use em' unless you have to. Also avoid long-sustained exposure to noise. And drummers: always wear plugs, I have NEVER met an older drummer that wasn't suffering from hearing loss.

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I've cleaned my ears several times with those ear candles mentioned a few posts above and I am really satisfied. It pulls out a lot of wax and dirt you stuff inside on a daily basis (say when you scratch your ear or clean it with a Q-tip). It's a great method, also helps relax, but it should not be don't very often - once in a month or two. 24 hours after you do it, you should keep your ears protected with a piece of cloth or cotton wool or sth, because it pulls out so much wax that the ear needs to produce some to protect our ear from infections and stuff. So, be careful water and dirt don't get inside. I've never had any problems with it whatsoever.


Oh and also, you should have someone who will hold the ear candle for you. When it gets too hot to hold, you just put it out in a bowl of water you have previously filled and put somewhere near you.

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You must have very dirty ears if that much stuff comes out. Different people have more or less ear wax and it can also depend on their jobs. My brother worked as a cabinet maker and finishing carpenter for 9 years until he went back and got his EE degree and he had lots of problems with ear wax and dust build-up.


Also, you should not be shoving q-tips up your ear! You can perforate your eardrum.


I think I might have some high frequency hearing loss but not that much. It comes with age. Our parts are not designed to last forever, ya know, just long enough so you can see your offspring out of the nest to start breeding themselves.


These days I use Hearos hearing protection at concerts. I have always worn some sort of hearing protection when using most types of power equipment as the loud noise bothers me and I want to protect my hearing. I also wear hearing protection as required on the rare occasions that I have to go to a manufacturing plant.

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darn not good , i m going to take some serius actions


Once i was on a Band and the trombone player keep playing almost in my ear

and always told him PLEASE Dont do that , but the Guys was And Idiot

Beyond verbal Description and my Ears where damagea little i think but they really hurted

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My high-frequency hearing is totally gone past past 2K, thanks to genetics and noise exposure. This sucks for communication as speech uses up to 3K. I wear hearing aids and am probably the deafest musician on these boards- but I can play just fine. I can differentiate pitch up to E6 on a digital piano and slightly higher on a real one.

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In the UK the NHS used to syringe ears to remove wax that was blocking hearing. Using either a syringe or a special pump they used a jet of water to remove wax. I had it done about four or five times. But then either people got more litigious or they cut costs by getting less skilled people to do it and they started getting sued for puncturing people's eardrums in the process. Now they are much more selective and they refused to do it for me when I needed it, although they still do it for my Father - who has wax build up behind his hearing aid. In desperation, I tried everything that might possibly help wax - chewing gum to work the jaw and loosen things around the ear, adding olive oil and garlic to my diet to try and improve the health of my skin, and changing the way I wash to make absolutely sure I didn't get dirty/soapy water in my ear. Eventually the wax cleared, although I don't really know if any of the above helped.


I avoid loud music when at all possible. I sometimes like having music quite soft, so you have to pay attention to appreciate it. This works quite well with chamber music, which I guess was never designed to be played loud.

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, they gotta keep up the classic tough guy persona. They are usually stone deaf by retirement age as a result. I use an ipod a lot on site as well, which will supposedly {censored} up your hearing. My hearing is ok considering the hell I've put it through.

Anyone ever done that tube with a flame at the end of it ear cleaning technique? I've heard of people having dead flies and other odd objects come out their ear canals when cleaned with this method, not to mention 30+ years of wax build up.

Yeah, I've worked with plenty of these guys. Apparently I'm a {censored} for wearing sunblock, shades, eye protection, ear protection, and gloves :rolleyes:


{censored}ing idiots :facepalm:

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