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Digital pedal powering issues...PLEASE HELP!


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Hey everyone. I'm at a loss for what's going on with my TC Nova Delay. I just got it on a trade deal, and it powers up just fine (using the included P/S), but the output is SUPER low. Like I have to crank my Laney to 6-7 to be able to hear anything at all when it's plugged in, when I regularly run the amp at 2-3. When I do crank the amp, I can hear that the delay is actually functioning, but can't figure out why the output is so low. Anyone experienced this before? I've tried it on a couple outlets in the house to no avail. Tonight I'll try it on my friend's setup to check. I live in a really old house, with shotty grounding, but my amp/rest of my board work fine (except my M5, which won't accept flash updates now...maybe related?). Could my house's wiring just not be able to handle the current draw? I mean my amp works great and so do my other electronics (Mac, monitor, TV, etc.). Ideas, experiences? Thanks guys!

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Thanks for the responses guys! Yeah, I guess I was just hoping it was something dumb so I wouldn't have to go through the process of returning it. At least it was a local deal with a trustworthy fellow. And Grumpy, I actually tried the calibration process, and the lights did what they're supposed to do and all, but still very low output afterwards. No idea. But hey, thanks for taking the time to look into it! I'll let you all know what I end up doing.

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Sadly, I'm going to be returning this tomorrow to get my M5 back. It's a bit of a shame, too (though the M5 is great). But do any of you tech savvy guys know what might be causing this (internally-speaking)? I know very little about electronic components still, but I'm curious. Thanks!

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