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Me and my band

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I think that the song's fine. My main suggestion would be that you need to relax more and actually perform your music. Obviously I have no idea what it was actually like to be in the crowd watching you, but based on that video it looks like maybe you guys are a bit uptight about being on stage, and the result is a slightly wooden performance. Crowds respond much better when you basically show them what the song is supposed to be making them feel.


There's a few out of tune bends, but hey we all do that live! :D I think I saw you turn round to conduct the drummer a little through a bridge or something? Audiences don't tend to notice little mistakes but they do notice that kind of inter-band communication. In your typical crowd not many people actually have a good enough understanding of music to interpret what they're hearing, but everyone in the room can read body language and form an opinion about how confident you are as individuals and a unit.


I've felt that both ways while playing live. I once (ok... many times!) played a show where I didn't play very well. The band wasn't that tight. The other bands had FAR more technically capable guitarists than me. But after the show I was being complimented more than ever before because I happened to have my performer's hat on that day - I was rocking out, looking like I belonged on stage, and people noticed. Conversely, I've mostly stood still, concentrated on my playing so that I'm as good as possible. And the result? No one notices.


Obviously there's a balance to be struck but don't underestimate the importance of performing and being confident in yourself.


Keep at it!


But on to more pressing matters: Who's the girl in your avatar?

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I think that the song's fine. My main suggestion would be that you need to relax more and actually perform your music. Obviously I have no idea what it was actually like to be in the crowd watching you, but based on that video it looks like maybe you guys are a bit uptight about being on stage, and the result is a slightly wooden performance. Crowds respond much better when you basically show them what the song is supposed to be making them feel.

There's a few out of tune bends, but hey we all do that live!
I think I saw you turn round to conduct the drummer a little through a bridge or something? Audiences don't tend to notice little mistakes but they do notice that kind of inter-band communication. In your typical crowd not many people actually have a good enough understanding of music to interpret what they're hearing, but everyone in the room can read body language and form an opinion about how confident you are as individuals and a unit.

I've felt that both ways while playing live. I once (ok... many times!) played a show where I didn't play very well. The band wasn't that tight. The other bands had FAR more technically capable guitarists than me. But after the show I was being complimented more than ever before because I happened to have my performer's hat on that day - I was rocking out, looking like I belonged on stage, and people noticed. Conversely, I've mostly stood still, concentrated on my playing so that I'm as good as possible. And the result? No one notices.

Obviously there's a balance to be struck but don't underestimate the importance of performing and being confident in yourself.

Keep at it!

But on to more pressing matters: Who's the girl in your avatar?


Thank for the advice! It really means a lot. Is the instructing of the drummer a negative? Wasn't sure about that either but I felt if I didn't do that then the bridge would've cut out too early. Overall though thank you for the advice!


As for my avatar, that is Miranda Kerr

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That's not very good, sorry. But I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that the awful recording quality and so-so live performance make everything sound a lot worse than it would in ideal sircumstances. I can see how that song, and sort of sound/vibe might work, given the right setting/occasion/whatever.


And I can see why you'd say you're not much of a singer, but I know A LOT of semi-succesfull singers that have a voice that's not a good as yours. You just need some practice and mpaybe a bit more confidence while you're performing...


Anyway, at least you have the balls to open yourself up to critique. Keep at it, you guys aren't half bad impo.

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